So, yesterday marked six months clean for me. I'm really proud of myself. 6 months ago I would have never pictured doing and being as good as I am now. I never thought I'd make it this far. I don't have much more to write, but I just wanted to post this brief thought for now. Later guys. :)
Jess <3
huge my friend. thanks for sharing. and best of luck to you keeping strong.
I just had a look at your previous blogs to see your story and i want to say a massive well done for being brave and sharing. Keep up the good work and congrats for staying clean. Strong lady!!
Aw, thanks a bunch. Means a lot. :)
You'r very welcome!
Congratulations!!!!! It just keeps getting better, believe me! It gets easier too. On Jan 6 (God willing) I'll have 29 years. I'm going to follow you just to make sure you're OK...I'm here if you need someone!
Keep it up and never stop. You deserve the best!

Good for you. Huge congratulations! I have been where you are now. And my advise is to make the most of this period in your life. You will build new roads & bridges that will remain forever. And look to fully embrace the spiritual aspect of the program. I didn't really understand that part of it till I was at 18 months, but once I started using the Law of Attraction, everything I desired became my reality. You may enjoy following my daily Abraham quotes which I post because they helped me understand who I really am. Which people in our position need to know! https://steemit.com/life/@samstonehill/a-new-incentive-to-further-the-evolution-of-this-platform-with-daily-quotes-from-abraham Upvoted & followed :)
Excellent job!
You can't make it a full year without making it 6 months, so you are well on the way!
I just hit 9 years myself, which is HUGE considering how I was!
You are doing great, Jess!! I am so proud of you! I have full confidence that you will stay strong and stay the course. Stay well, stay clean and steem on!