
Schools on every level have become indoctrination facilities. Our young people are not taught to think but to react, like Pavlov's dogs.

I am SO glad I'm not the only one who understands this! Thanks!

I believe there are a lot of Americans who are waking up to this fact, hence the election of a non-politician to the highest office in the land. If you listen to the MSM you will be told you are the only one out there who thinks that way but there are a LOT of us. We are just quiet, peace loving people who hate to even speak up for fear of being accused of all kinds of atrocious thoughts and actions. Our collective voice was heard at the ballot last November!

While I tend to agree, the unhappy reality is that places like Evergreen College still live on taxpayer handouts, and nothing will be done to cut off the trough.

Politicians are more interested in their power than in what is good for the country. The swamp need draining but all we have to do it are the creatures who swim in it. Sadly, you are probably right but we can't give up. We need to discuss ideas with people and get them to think. It is becoming a lost art!

Hey, wouldn't you say... I'm snowflake 44. Wouldn't you know it? So what do you say snowflake. I guess we're everywhere now. Snowflakes for all and to all other snowflakes, goodnight.

And they consider themselves to be freethinkers, imagine THAT.

You need to add one: Dr. Jordan Peterson, invited to speak at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. Simply amazing to watch the protestors.... Air horns inside a lecture hall. Communist banner.... cowbells and lame slogans.

Thanks - I've spoken at McMaster several times - peacefully, thank God, but it was back in the 90s, when students were sane.

It it's not STEM
it's a hobby
pay for your
dam hobby.

Good morning, Everitt! How's life in the fast lane?

no clue.
I drive in the right hand lane..
ten under the speed limit.

WHICH...brings to mind...a story.
many moons ago..
I was driving toward Sandy Eggo.

I drove slow...ten miles under the speed limit.
I got passed by some trucks...
then they passed me again..
and again.
and again..
"Damit" I heard on the CB radio" That old fart goes comes he's always ahead of us?"

I grinnned...
it's not how FAST you go.
it's how long you keep going..



I gave my wheels to a needy grandson last Fall, so I've gotcha beat :-)

My bonus son is letting me have his old wheels.
The "Z"

the little pickup next to that white big truck (I hated that thang...not the pickup , the white semi)

I paid for a new motor, transmission, lift kit..and stuff..when he was in high school...
now's he's a 'suite' working for a fancy company...has a SUV..NOT ONE..but TWO...
so he's let me have the "Z".
I drive it about once a month..maybe..

So you got the old beater... nice kid :-) You're a trucker in Lalaland?

not any more..
I'm retired..

When I was 15, my folks were vacationing at Lake uncle, a trucker making a weekly N-S fruit run, offered to pick me up in Santa Clara, so I could ride up to Shasta in his rig. We drove to Salinas to pick up his truck, but his spare driver was nowhere to be found. (I should point out that fifteen-year-olds on an adventure don't really clue in to what that meant) - SO off we went, running empty, to the Mexican border to pick up a load of melons and grapes...the first thing Uncle Roy did was drop a crate of grapes on the ground, say "oops", and put it in the sleeper for when the munchies hit. The load was destined for Seattle, where he'd pick up a load of apples to deliver back down in San Jose... by the time we'd driven from Salinas to somewhere near San Diego and back through Sacto, Uncle Roy was getting groggy...and driving up I5 with his eyes closed. God knows how he made it to Shasta, or anywhere else, for that matter...poppin' speed, I'd guess. It was a terrifying ride.

This campus illiberal madness has metastasized over the last few years and few of the faculty, mainstream media and culture-at-large are aware of just how dangerous this SJW thing has become. While there are people on the internet speaking out, it's still not widely understood. Just like the witch-burners of the past and Maoist Red Guard, the SJWs believe with a religious fervor what they're doing is "good." People like Sara Silverman ask "What could possibly be bad about 'social justice?'

Ayup...two of my daughters strongly chastise me for even using the term "snowflakes" and pointing to Marxism as the cause...some folks are willfully blind.

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