Sndbox Summer Camp: CELF- Steem Art and Culture (individual post)
Design by @irma27
Twenty seven days ago @guyfawkes4-20 announced the winner of Sndbox Summer Camp: Art Quest and my account name is there. I was both surprised and happy to have this opportunity. Just a reminder, @sndbox is one of the most famous project incubators in the steemcosystem.
CELF Steem Powered Art and Culture is an ongoing project in Latin America precisely in Venezuela designed based on the idea of @joedukeg. CELF has an existing account named @celfmagezine.
CELFs Team:
- @fivefiveeleven (Fredrico), Uruguay - Travel
- @irma27 , Indonesia - art quest
- @joedukeg , Venuzuela - project development
- @mariska.lubis , Indonesia - philosophy quest
- @rasamuel , Nigeria - writing quest
You can’t just win if your other teammates are strong but only if you are a strong teammate.
My teammates conveyed many amazing ideas that made me very enthusiastic and also lost the words because they always convey the great things that make me say waah waah many times in my heart.
Although they have given great ideas but I still have to convey my idea to equip our team. I just think about promotions because I think promotion has an important role to play in our project, with the promotion the peoples will be knowing about CELF and going to participate. I suggest that our team notify about CELF to our friends and every community we attend and also invite famous people in steemit to promote our project. Participating people can provide donations / delegates and even provide support, as we not only focus on upvote curation but also on social curation where we provide positive comments that build their creativity. CELF has additional support from @c-squared, and anyone who wants to support our project can contact our team.
The content we curate is Visual Art, Music, Performing Art, Plastic Art, and Literature. With the current major languages are English, Indonesian, and Spanish. If this project continues to run and grow then we will add another language to run. Our team is planning many things and we want to realize in this project. To be more clear then wait and read our project proposal in @celfmagazine
Thank a lot to @Sndbox , @voronoi , @hansikhouse , @anomadsoul , @guyfawkes4-20 , and my team.
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Mantaap. Selamat dek @irma27
Terimakasih pak dokter @razack-pulo kami tunggu support nya untuk program kami 😆😄
Keren banget dek @irma27
Terimakasih banyak kak @sittishabir 🤗 doakan di terima 😂😂
Keren @irma27
Sukses ya say....!
Terimakasih kak @chandrayunita
Semoga saja yaa kak 😇
Semoga sukses kak Irma 😍
Terimakasih yaa dek @zulfa0109 😘
yeahhhhh udah selesai aja ya Irma.....
Iya kak, baru selesai.. tapi enggk banyak yang Irma bahas 😂 kak @ihansunrise kapan selesai? Penasaran sm program kakak 😆
belum diposting sama kepala suku, jadi kak ihan bleum buat hehehe....besok mungkin, insya Allah.
Keren x adek ni, sukses ya dek..
Thanks kak Rika, semoga saja kak 😇
Mantap jiwa..,
Makasih yaa @afdhal94
InsyaAllah sukses ya ma
Ini pake voting lagi nanti? Atau mutlak di tangan juri?
Aamiin kak @bundaqubeki
Sepertinya ditangan juri kak
We are glad to have you in the team! :) I hope we will do great things together.
Thanks a lot @joedukeg for your ideas about CELF.
I hope too and i really hope we can growth together.