The Blockchain Technology Revolution: I am thankful for seeing it with my own eyes.

in #sndbox7 years ago (edited)


Sometimes I wonder what is going to happen to the world in the next few years. I like daydreaming. Is there going to be a massive change on the whole economy system as we know it? Will there be wealth redistribution? Is the Blockchain Technology here for good? I feel we are all lucky to be witnesses of what is starting to happen right now. Big whales are scared. They see that their actual corrupt and unfair economy is not going to last for much longer and they do not like it.

If you are reading this on Steemit you are likely to have heard Jamie Dimon´s declarations about Bitcoin last September. For the record, Jamie Dimon is the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, one of Americas biggest banks.

He said:

"Bitcoin is a fraud that will ultimately blow up. The digital currency was only fit for use by drug dealers, murderers and people living in places such as North Korea"

“If you were in Venezuela or Ecuador or North Korea or a bunch of parts like that, or if you were a drug dealer, a murderer, stuff like that, you are better off doing it in bitcoin than US dollars,” he said. “So there may be a market for that, but it would be a limited market.”

When I see the big boss of a HUGE Bank spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) about Bitcoin it looks pretty clear for me. He is scared. Your scamming days are coming to an end sir, and I am not sorry about it. Scared is being easy on the guy, he must be also desperate. To say such things publicly he is just ridiculizing himself. Was he spreading fake news to manipulate the market so he could buy cheaper? Maybe. Did his accusations cause an impact on Bitcoin price? Definitely. Well... not definitely because when BTC drops in price you never know for sure why it is happening. But the facts are that after he said those things Bitcoin fell around 9%. He know this market is all about manipulation and I like to think that he played the market for some big profits.

We will never know what happened there but the way I see it, makes me feel even more confident about this whole new economy that is being born. I know that crypto has been around for some time now, but I think that now is starting to be taken seriously by the non adaptors. Even those who used to say: "it is a scam" seem to be starting to rethink how they feel about it.

The Blockchain technology seems to be like a threat for the ones that are now "in charge". Because a change like this would mean power and freedom to the people, wealth redistribution and pretty much like starting a new economy from scratch. Of course they do not want that. They are comfortable watching the world from above, they do not care about a fair distribution of wealth because they already have theirs. But the moment it goes public that all big banking people are investing in crypto, we will hear a crack, like a broken bone, and its not going to be a bone, that is going to be the noise of the beginning of the actual economy systems collapse (do I sound too Jeff Berwicky).

I look forward for that. Why? Well because I always thought that this world is an amazing place, but it is so poorly managed that we waste tonnes of food every day while people are starving to death. We have empty mansions for rich people to use three weeks a year on holidays while in the same city LOTS of people have nowhere to live. We need a change, and quite desperately. Will the Blockchain Technology really change the world? I am pretty sure it will, we now have the tools to make this place fair with everyone. Like all changes, it will take time, no doubts about it, but I think we are starting to see what is going to be the one of the most revolutionary experiences in human history.

We need a fair system that is transparent, non corrupt and in which nobody is in charge. The actual model is so unfair that it is about time for a change. No money will be able to bribe Bitcoin and the Blockchain Technology because there is not anyone to bribe really.

I might sound a bit too enthusiastic about it... well that should be because I am extremely excited about all this. I like changes. I feel the thrill I get from a great movie, just by thinking what is going on and about what I think is going to happen in the next years. So... back up your passwords, and keep your funds off the exchanges because Steem as well as Bitcoin and many more trustable technologies are here to stay. We are lucky to be in before most of the people do and that will pay off later on. It is like we are at the ICO of this revolution. Who wants to be part of it?

Image Credits

Jamie Dimon´s quotes credits: Here

The Beatles Video from Here


We are in the crypto world and cryptocurrency has come to stay.

Absolutely! Fasten up your seatbelt and enjoy the ride!

When Bitcoin completely replace the Fiat money, for sure there will be a wealth redistribution, so poverty and economic inequality can fastly disappear.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.23
JST 0.030
BTC 84094.70
ETH 1969.75
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.80