Emping are a type of Indonesian chips, a bite-size snack kripik cracker, made of melinjo or belinjo (Gnetum gnemon) nuts (which are seeds). Emping crackers have a slightly bitter taste.[1] Emping snacks are available in markets plain (original), salty, spicy or sweet, depending on the addition of salt or caramelized sugar
Benefits of the Melinjo Emping
- Melinjo is rich in antioxidants that can strengthen the body resistance of free radkal.
- Melinjo antioxidant activity is obtained from high protein concentration, which is 90-10 percent for each seed melinjo.
- The main protein in seed melinjo believed to be very effective to combat free radicals cause various diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol, constriction of blood vessels, and premature aging.
- As a brain supplement as it can strengthen memory.
- The antioxidant in melinjo seeds is equivalent to the synthetic and antioxy activity of BHT (Butylated Hydroxytolune).
- As a natural antimicrobial. Which means melinjo protein can also be used as a natural food preservative as well as a cure for diseases caused by bacteria.
- Gg-AMP peptide isolated from melinjo seed has an active potency that indicates inhibiting some types of gram-positive and negative bacteria.
- This melinjo also has benefits in traditional herbal medicine. Among them, to facilitate the urine and to overcome anemia and hungry stomach