Quit Smoking Cigarettes - What Makes It Hard

in #smoking2 years ago

If you smoke and have attempted to stop but failed, you are aware of how difficult it is to simply stop. This article explains why quitting smoking is challenging and offers a simple method for doing so without actually giving up.

You know how difficult it is to simply stop smoking if you've attempted to stop before but were unsuccessful. It IS difficult to simply stop smoking if you do not smoke but have loved ones who smoke. The reader of this post is a smoker. I'll explain why quitting smoking is challenging and share with you a simple method for getting rid of cigarettes from your life without trying.

You Didn't Smoke Always

Remember the period of time before you started smoking. Oh no, that was a very, very long time ago. If you're like the majority of smokers who are trying to quit, you started smoking before the age of 18 and have been a smoker for more than 20 years. Some folks even begin earlier than that! You've probably smoked over 100,000 cigarettes over the course of many years, so you probably can't recall ever not smoking.

Yikes!! More than 100,000 cigarettes smoked?

Yes! The typical daily cigarette consumption is one pack of 20 cigarettes. This equates to 7,200 cigarettes smoked per year or 600 cigarettes per month. It amounts to almost 144,000 cigarettes after 20 years. There are a lot of smokes there. Of course, it's more if you've smoked for more than 20 years. So it's understandable why a smoker might find it difficult to recall a time when they didn't smoke. Of course, the fact that learning to smoke was so awful is another major factor in why the smoker doesn't remember.

You see, acquiring the habit of smoking was the most difficult and terrible thing you ever had to do in your young life! It was a skill that you had to master to smoke. You didn't just grab a cigarette and light up. Learning to smoke required patience, perseverance, and enduring severe suffering.

What did you discover?

You were being taught to stifle your body's natural protective responses to hot, contaminated smoke getting into your vulnerable lungs. Only clean air is intended for the lungs! You were becoming more adept at mind-body control!

The Body's Defense Mechanism Against Smoke

Smoke from cigarettes is toxic, corrosive, and hot. Your eyes will burn and water if it gets in there. People who are really sensitive to it may experience itchy skin. The scorching smoke causes you to cough, gag, and struggle for air if you breathe it in. The body is warning you through these symptoms that smoking cigarettes aren't really a good idea.

With the first batch of cigarettes, the smoker experiences this sensation. However, the person persists because they really, truly want to smoke. They expose themselves to the acrid cigarette smoke repeatedly. They proceed, and something starts to happen. They can finally consume a full cigarette without the body's defense mechanism activating before the coughing and gasping finally stop. How is that even possible?

They have concentrated their WILL POWER in order to counter the body's defenses. With those words:

Because you will yourself to smoke, you can smoke.

When you smoke, your powerful willpower prevents your body from responding normally when hot, contaminated smoke gets inside your sensitive lungs. You can smoke because of MIND over Matter's incredible ability!
You have suppressed your body's defenses over time by smoking, using your MIND. By using your WILL POWER, you have developed a system that disables your natural defenses and permits the harm you cause to yourself with each cigarette you smoke. It acts in this way because YOU WILL DO IT.
Have you compromised your body's defenses? It's still there, though. Simply turn it off only when smoking cigarettes. This illustration will show:
If you smoke, what occurs after being near a smokey fire of any kind? In case you fail to open the flue, perhaps your fireplace. You start your warm fire, but because the chimney is closed, the room is immediately filled with smoke. What transpires? As soon as the smoke is eliminated, your eyes begin to burn and moisten, you start coughing, and you begin to struggle for breath. Even when the smoke has cleared, it takes some time for you to fully recuperate. This is the typical response of the body's defense mechanisms. You will experience it even if you have been a smoker for a long time.
However, none of those reactions occur when you smoke a cigarette. You are purposefully inhaling the smoke, which is still smoke. The only difference is that you use your WILL POWER to deliberately turn off your body's protective response so that you can smoke a cigarette. Did you realize how sharp your thinking was?

Why Smoking Can Be Difficult to Stop

People recognize it's in their best advantage to stop smoking when they consider doing so. They are aware of the harmful effects of smoking on your health intellectually. They are aware of the costs associated with smoking today. They have compelling reasons to stop using tobacco products. However, many are unable to.

Why? due to the fact that smoking cigarette is the end outcome. The process that the smoker has spent years developing—the inhibition of the body's defense mechanism—is what truly enables and ultimately forces them to smoke. The best you can hope for if you manage to stop smoking but don't get rid of the Psychological Smoking Mechanism is to be an ex-smoker. Who are former smokers? a smoker who isn't smoking today now but might quickly resume smoking if they picked up a cigarette.

You've been working on this mechanism for years, and it's still working. It has evolved into your uncontrollable Frankenstein creature! Not only that but it's been so long since then that you can't remember why you made the monster in the first place! It may be defeated and restrained to the table for a while, but it is continuously attempting to escape. It will eventually escape, and you will start smoking once more.

The monster is not the cigarette. The psychological smoking mechanism that you've developed in your mind is what enables you to smoke the monster cigarette.

Is There a Solution?

Yes. Controlling the monster you've created won't help you quit smoking for good; you need to get rid of it instead! When you forcibly stop smoking, you are essentially controlling the beast, but this only works for so long. Your psychological smoking mechanism will try tirelessly to take control, and when it does, you'll start smoking again as if you'd never stopped. A smoker who has quit smoking is simply a former smoker.
Fortunately, there is a method for methodically eliminating this mechanism you set up many years ago, so it will never again force you to smoke. By removing the psychological smoking mechanism you've developed, you can stop smoking without ever attempting to do so. Your resume not smoking once you take away the device that allows you to smoke.

Smoking cigarettes is not only an extremely nasty and expensive habit that annoys those around you CONSTANTLY, but it is also killing YOU!

Dear Hopeless and “Nicotine Addicted” Friend: If you’re a smoker, this will be the most important message you’ll ever read! >>> https://cutt.ly/MV3ow04


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