Doing a kind deed
Doing some small kind thing for others can help enhance your mood and be very rewarding
The activity from a kind deed can help blood flow
And if you or someone else is feeling down it can help cheer them up
It is proven that when you smile you feel better
My sister got me this plant to help celebrate Chinese New Year. It really cheered me up when I was in negativity.
It is my practice now that wherever I go I find something good, kind or encouraging to say to whoever I meet. Like today at the supermarket. A young woman was bagging my items. She looked like maybe working part time and was a student. She looked very tired. But she really did such an excellent job of putting the groceries in the bags, so that fruits were not damaged by packaged goods etc. I said, "You're a very good bagger. But I think you must be like that with everything you do. First class." I tell people something good about themselves. I tell them it was pleasure to talk with them. And I mean it. It is a wonderful way to go through the day.
You are a good compliment giver
Very true what has to do with the effect of our behavior towards our neighbor and how it affects our health. Blessings.
That's right!! A gesture of kindness changes our mood. I am very glad that your little sister gave you that beautiful plant. I love plants very much. I hope you feel like a better friend and always think positive even though things are not going well. God bless you and may he always enlighten your life. Greetings and blessings
Thank you
Doing a thing for others―it would have been
great if I could claim even a single one of that but that never happened,i have never done anything for anyone.
Thank you for sharing
Compliments are free. You can give many in one day.
The best way to make friends is to be one
As it is said
A life not lived for others is not a life. Make someone smile you'll know the worth of living.
The real purpose of man's coming into this world is to share happiness with others. It is our misfortune that we have become enemies of each other in ourselves.
Excellent point from your post
Thank you
This is a beautiful detail to cheer up a sad person, in any way and at any time. Excellent idea that I will keep in mind for a special and opportune occasion. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you
Your words are very accurate. Being kind can help the mood of others. We can be part of the change. Beautiful plant that your sister gave you. Greetings!!