People destroying their tv's to protest the mainstream media
It must be so freeing for each of these people to finally let go of something that has controlled them for so long. There are so many better ways to spend one's time. Reading a book, writing a blog and earning some crypto, growing a beautiful garden or spending time with family are great ways to spend one's time. People are are getting fed up with being manipulated by television programming. Its called programming for a reason. But these people have awoken to the fact that for many years now tv news has been corrupt from prominent teleprompter readers heard regularly , to the CEO's who stay out of the public eye for the most part. Recently people have caught CNN and CBS employees staging fake events to be reported and passed around social media. Their corruption knows no limits. Hopefully more people will smash their tv's and not spend a penny more on tv programming. It has been weaponized by the state and the zionist movement. Hopefully they will listen to more independent media. Preferably ones that place morality and human decency over politics and state worship. But this is a positive thing none the less.