Smart Speakers Spying On Me (Amazon Echo, Apple Homepod, Google Home, etc)
Don't we all need a "Hal" (2001 a Space Odyssey) in our lives gently telling us our toilet paper is getting low.
I will not be getting one of any of those devices any time soon. But if the day does finally come, I will treat it very specifically when it is in my home:
I will turn it off when not in use.
Then I will put it in a box so that the manufacturer's hidden battery isn't actively triggering the audio spy features.
Then I will put that box in another box to muffle the spying further.
Then I'll jam the double box in a double-lined plastic bag and put it in the toilet with the lid down.
Then I will place my Faraday cage lined with aluminum over my toilet.
Just as a precaution.