Hero's of Hungary

in #smartphonephotography7 years ago (edited)


Things to Do and See on Heroes' Square:-
If you will walk down on Andrassy Avenue towards City Park, the spacious Hungary Hero and The 36 m high Corinthian column dominates the square with Archangel Gabriel on its top holding St. Stephen’s Crown. The open plaza is one of the most symbolic and photograph sights for the people of Budapest and their visiting tourist. You can easily get the M1 Yellow metro line, Hosok tere station to roam around the city which is located next to City Park.

The monument was built in 1896 to mark the celebration of anniversary of Hungary Hero’s it’s also called Millennium Monument for their Hero’s. Hungary celebrated the 1000th anniversary that its ancestors found a place to settle down. Every part of the monument plays its tribute to determining parts of Hungary’s history. Besides their hero’s two important building is build one is Museum Fine art and other one is Kunsthalle building. When the monument was build Hungary was part of the Austro Hungarian Empire and has spaces for the last five statues on the left of the colonnade were reserved for the member of ruling Habsburg. The Habsburg emperors were replaced with the Hungarian freedom when the monument was rebuilt after the World War 2.

The 36 m high Corinthian column dominates the square with Archangel Gabriel on its top holding St. Stephen’s Crown.
According to the story, Gabriel appeared to St. Stephen in his dream and offered him the crown of Hungary.
Pope Sylvester II indeed sent a crown to him acknowledging Hungary and King Stephen as a defender of Christendom.
You can view the Holy Crown in Budapest Parliament House.
The equestrian statues of the seven Hungarian tribes’ chieftains encircle the column.
The seven tribes lead by Arpad arrived first in the Carpathian Basin around 896 AD to locate this area whether this area was suitable for settling down.
A semicircle colonnade encompasses the column with statues of Hungarian kings and heroes.

King St. Stephen who formed the Hungary

Statue of Peace

    Details about the Kings of Hungary 

• King St. Stephen – he was the first king who is founder of the Hungarian state
• St. Laszlo– a noble and strict king.
• Kalman Konyves
• Andras II – This king participated in the Crusades and many other fights for the Hungarian
• King Bela IV – He rebuilt the country after the Mongol occupied in the 13th century
• Charles Robert – He created a strong and wealthy Hungary in the 14th Century
• I Nagy Lajos (Luis the Great)-son of Charles Robert, during his reign Hungary reached the greatest expansion of its
• King Matthias – a Renaissance King who made Buda Europe’s cultural center in the 15th century, Matthias Church in
Buda castle is named after him.
• Istvan Bocskai– as a result of his fight against the Habsburg reign Transylvania became independent in 1606
• Gabor Bethlen – prince of Transylvania in the 17th century, leader of an anti-Habsburg uprising
• Imre Thokoly – leader of Hungarian Protestants against the Habsburg rule
• Ferenc Rakoczi- leader of the War of Independence against the Habsburgs in the 18th century
• Lajos Kossuth – great patriot and statesman, leader of the 1848-1849

    Emblematic figures on Top of the Corner Pillars:

• War
• Peace
• Work and Welfare
• Knowledge and Glory
• The Hungarian War Memorial stands in front of the column.
• It commemorates heroes died for the independence of Hungary.
• A popular spot for wreath-laying ceremonies on National Holiday.


Visiting these monuments supported by the architectural perfection and study their history is always a tantalizing experience and undoubtedly the Hungarian history is full of some noteworthy personalities.

It was so hard for me to gathered the information for all these monuments and first you don't know about their history when you get interact with new people you will get to know about their national day and these monuments are the reason for it.
Yes I do agree their history is so much interesting and you would love to read it If you get the chance, and that time is worthwhile for reading their personalities.

Each country is filled with stories of their own, heroes of their own. What is good to see that nationals identify them and give them the honor they deserve.

Agreed and the point is that King Stephen was the main reason who formed the Hungary and Hungary people celebrated this with so much excited and full of joy.

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