These are the symptoms before the phone explodes; Know the things to be careful while using smart phone
These are the symptoms before the phone explodes; Know the things to be careful while using smart phone..
Although electronic devices can be dangerous, smart phones are generally safe. That is why we use and store them in a very lazy way. However, we have seen cases in the news where the phone explodes causing injury to the user and many even losing their lives. Smart phones usually don't just explode. But as such incidents happen often, the only thing we can do as a consumer is to prevent situations where the phone may explode. Experts point out that there are many reasons for a smartphone to explode.
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Most of the time it is a battery related problem that leads to it. Modern smart phones are powered by lithium-iron batteries. Any mistakes during charging can adversely affect the components inside the battery and lead to an explosion. What users should do is avoid situations where the phone overheats in general or stop using it if it gets hot. You will never get a warning message before the phone explodes. But the phone may show some symptoms. If there is burning heat coming from the phone, small crackling or crackling noises from the phone, the smell of burning plastic or other chemicals, and a sudden change in the shape of the phone, we should keep a safe distance from the phone or throw the phone out. The first thing we should do is avoid the habit of using the phone for hours. Never use the phone while charging. Charge the phone properly to maintain the 'health' of the phone's battery. Always keep the phone on an open surface, avoid direct sunlight, and keep the phone away from extreme cold. It is also good for the health of smart phone users not to keep the phone in tight and narrow places.