Smart investers understand ebb and flow!

in #smartcash7 years ago


Just like the tides in the ocean we in crypto currency see the values of ebb and flow. As lunar movement creates more intense gravitational pull forcing the tides to rise and fall we so in crypto as fud and fomo is scattered the crypto market rises and falls.

But is this something to be worried about? I would say no, and theres a good list of reasons why. Many coins see bubble effects allowing the price to inflate to unrealistic numbers that are unsustainable for long periods of time. This bubble effect creates fomo causing people to buy and sell hoping to profit on the rise not realising there will be a bearish correction that could catch them off guard, but there are many coins that last through that and rise like a pheonix. Smartcash is one if those coins. It holds a steady regrowth after the market bubbled and many dont understand why. The explanation is simple, when the bubble was filling in the market you had every Tom, Dick, and Jane scrambling for whatever they could afford in hopes to make a quick profit. When the market pulled back the values dropped causing chaos in the trade markets with small coin holders dumping what they had in order to maintain a little cash flow. Now this game can be profitable if you manage your funds correctly and heres how that is done. Instead of thinking of crypto as a stock exchange easily traded you need to understand its bubble and correction trends and learn about long term staking. Smartcash gives you two ways to do this for long haul residual returns (smart rewards, smartnodes). But those are for another post.

Back to the main facts understanding ebb and flow of markets in crypto is relatively easy. You invest in coins like Smartcash that have ways to make additional funds from HODL through staking and know that the market will rise and fall like the tides. The choice you have to make is are you going to spread fomo by selling off or are you going to hodl knowing with every bearish pullback leads to a greater bullish rise from the fire? My money goes to the long term sustainable investment plans in understanding that i could lose it all or gain a whale but unless you hodl you will never know.


Yes it's absolutely necessary for people to understand that this is not yet the time to start taking out profit from smartcash. The time will come, and to make maximum profit at that time it's important to HODL for rewards and nodes now!!

great post man, keep it up !

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