Crypto "DIVIDEND" ALERT: SmartCash CryptoCurrency, Get in NOW, and enjoy SMARTREWARDS dividend every month! #SmartCash

in #smartcash7 years ago (edited)

This is my third article on #Steem and like the other two this one is about #SmartCash and why you should buy in as much as you can afford!



Heard about the cryptocurrency #SmartCash? YES? NO? If not do yourself a favor right this very moment, slap yourself gently across the face, pause YouTube, click away from your FaceBook and Twitter account for a few minutes, literally STOP what you're doing and go buy 1000 SmartCash units while it's still cheap.

Check this OUT!

Take a closer look at SmartRewards directly from the "horse's mouth" so the saying goes


LET'S START WITH AN OVERVIEW… (Quoted from the SmartCash website, see bibliography links at the bottom of the article)

SmartRewards are a price stabilization mechanism and a way to encourage long-term holding. Long-term holders are key to the project’s success since the SmartHive treasury needs SmartCash to appreciate in value in order to fund meaningful 3rd party proposals and help grow SmartCash into a successful global crypto-currency. Each wallet address holding at least 1000 SmartCash will get paid every 30 days on the 25th and the snapshot for the next month will happen at the same time. The SmartRewards will come out of the 15% block reward allocation.

Here is a small example: if you buy SmartCash on the 24th, you’ll have to wait until the next month to get paid, which is around 30 days, however, if you buy on the 27th, after the snapshot date, you’ll have to wait around 60 days to get paid.

These payments will occur on the 25th of each month.

All users need to move funds into addresses larger than 1000 SMART before the snapshot to be counted.


A conversation between Geezer, IT manager and SEO master freelancer, owner of about $1350 in SmartCash (since October 2017) and Fat Vinny Jr., son of Fat Vinny Sr., the successful owner of Fat Vinny's cement company in The Bronx, NY

Fat Vinny Jr.: What's so special or magic about this specific number of SmartCash tokens? Why 1000 units of SmartCash?

Geezer: Because that's the minimum investment you need in order to earn the SmartRewards every 25th of the month, which is SmartCash's monthly "dividend" payout for the faithful who hold $Smart currency from the 25th of the last month till the 25th of the new month forthcoming. At least that's how it's, more or less, been structured up until now, for the last 3 payouts so far since August 2017 (payout #1 was 400% WOW) and September (payout #2 was 38.5% WOW). This month's October 25th, 2017 payout (#3 was 25% WOW) is being pushed back to the 28th. SmartCash's zealous adherents are on pins and needles waiting for the "bonus".

Fat Vinny Jr.: What the heck do you mean "dividend"?


Sardonic Geezer: I put the word dividend in quotes because it's not really a dividend. I use the word dividend only as a word most people know the meaning of for getting the conversation going. It's not exactly a dividend per say, nor is it free money actually (you have to hold on and follow the cycle rules), it also had to be mined in the cryptoshafts (which means people had to work for it). Cryptomining is upfront a complicated venture of the pain in the butt type I hear, at least to configure at first. Basically, the SmartCash miners get to keep 85% of their efforts and 15% goes into a kind of communal slush fund for the faithful zealots who don't sell their SmartCash during a given monthly cycle. What I mean is those who hold on to their SmartCash for exactly one month cycle, usually between the 25th to 25th, get a sizeable % bonus! This month is going to be decent at 25% on October 28th, 2017.

Take a peek-a-boo at for future earning potentials.


Geezer continued..: And let me make something clear, it's not like the Federal Reserve which runs the printing press when it wants to make more money, these SmartRewards required computer equipment burning up an electric bill, stress, anxiety, and computer geek configuration work slowly extracting coins proportionally from the maximum fixed amount set aside. The mining gets harder as time goes on!

For example, the month of September 25th to October 25th, the reward is a jaw-dropping 25% roughly! WOWeee! So if you're holding 1000 SmartCash you get 250, if you're holding 10,000 SmartCash you get 2,500, if you're holding 100,000 SmartCash you get 25,000, so you get the idea!

Think about that for a moment! What other cryptocurrency pays out a juicy little reward every month for the faithful. I heard in the cycles before there were some mega payouts of like 4x (400%), but the trend is this, it appears the SmartRewards are declining every month, so the best time to get in is now, now, now!

People should get in now and hold on for dear life to their SmartCash while the SmartRewards are very decent, but in the months or years to come, they're gonna suck and drop first into the single digit % points and then below 1% as the mining gets harder and harder to do and as more people buy 1000+ SmartCash and participate in holding, but don't worry there's a really good amount of time until the payouts peterout, so hang on to your SmartCash until the rewards drop below 1%, then you can have more flexibility to play with it on the broader cryptomarket once the value skyrockets.

However for me, I'm holding on and riding the hopeful surfer waves, so I can retire in 5 or 10 years. I hope I don't lose my shirt, but hell that's a risk I just gotta take. I'm a middle-aged oldfart now, thus, not getting any younger and if I invest in enough cryptocurrencies, some are gonna scam-out, fall into the abyss, and others are gonna moonwalk in the heavens. I'm hoping SmartCash full moons! I hope it reaches the stars! I mean think about it for a second, who the heck has $5K laying around to buy a bitcoin and when it goes up to $50k, who's gonna have the cash lying around to invest in one of those? There is a limit after all to what the average Joe Sixpack or Sally Stepford can afford, and even saying this, I have no doubts Bitcoin is going reach $1 million dollars someday or will people go after Etherium instead? (I have a hunch on Etherium going to the moon). The reason I believe Bitcoin will hit 100K in the next 3 to 5 years is big institutions are going to buy into it. I'm going to guess and say in 10 years bitcoin is going to be in the 500K to 1M range.

Sarcastic Geezer continued...: But honestly, I can't see the future, I'm not Madame Cleo (, but I can tell you this: the SmartCash community is very helpful and friendly, they're also patient as hell with newcomers like me, and all the newcomers to come who are going to be asking the same tired questions.

Would you rather buy SmartCash at 5 cents to 10 cents and see it hit $3 in five years (hypothetically, 30x) or buy bitcoin at $5K and it hits 100K in 5 years (20X increase)? I can't predict the future man, but I'd rather get in on a cryptopenny like SmartCash with $5K than bitcoin at $5k. Marinate on it with your calculator, because we are looking to ride the multiplication factors, not the price per say.

Fat Vinny Jr.: What the heck do I have to do?

Sympathetic Geezer: Simple, go buy some bitcoins on any of the major exchanges like cryptopia NZ (look it up), or Stocks.Exchange and then buy SmartCash, once you do so, move it to either the SmartCash e-Wallet (E-W) or the SmartCash Download Local Wallet (DLW). Decentralize Man, get em both in my opinion, to spread things around a bit.

Fat Vinny Jr.: When should I buy SmartCash?

Urgent Geezer: As soon as humanly possible, man, but take a deep breath first and keep an eye on the price, try to get it when it dips a bit. Make sure you get in on it so you can enjoy the juicy rewards the up-and-coming cycle next month. If you're in this for the long run, like I am, the sooner the better is the right time to buy into SmartCash. Keep an eye on things because the SmartRewards are paid out on the 25th (with exceptions), thus everyone is scrambling to buy SmartCash on the 24th in a mad rush, so the price shoots up with volatility, you should try to get in during the mid-month when the price goes down a bit, and buy up a nice chunk too.

I'm guessing the price will go down a bit in the first week or two after the SmartRewards are paid out and people start playing cryptocurrency "roulette" at the Xchange "casinos", which is exactly when you should buy as much as you can afford within reason. Remember there are big risks, and rewards in the cryptocurrency sphere and SmartCash is no different. Diversify man!

Fat Vinny Jr.: What's the best investment strategy with SmartCash?

Sarcastic Geezer: Look I told you, I'm not Madame Cleo with psychic powers. I'm not a stock broker or licensed investor, all I can do is tell you my own plan. This one looks like a potentially long-term earner and space shuttle rocket, but you might want to keep a little bit on the side in a different address to play with on the cryptomarket for the fun of it. This way you can have the best of both worlds, a retirement fund, and a day trading account of sorts for a lack of a better word. You can have your cake and eat it too! You should setup one address that will continue to earn SmartRewards and another to play the volatility if you're into that sort of thing. Personally, I get nervous at the idea of day trading. I've heard of too many people "losing their shirts" day trading, but on the flip side, I'm pretty sure the SmartRewards are going to steadily decline as the years go by and more people get in on this "dividend", so maybe having a side action address to "play dice" in the cryptocurrency tradesphere might be fun with potential disasters and rewards. Keep in mind you don't want a situation where you end up saying to yourself, I should have just been a long-term investor and rode the slow and steady rollercoaster up the hill.

Fat Vinny Jr. So you think SmartCash is a long-term cryptocurrency?

Geezer: SmartCash just might be an old man (like me) walking up a hill, playing with a YoYo. The YoYo goes up, the YoYo goes down, but slow and steady the old fart like me is walking up the imperceptible incline toward great heights. Just don't get left behind, man. I'm telling you, I have a good feeling about this one for the time being. As long as the inner-party and whales don't boiler-room chop this currency, I could see it being a $3 cryptocurrency in the next 3 to 5 years, optimistically. I could be totally wrong too, and it could flop, that's why I'm going to diversify once I get a big fat juicy nest egg in SmartCash and leave it. I'm not going to touch my Smarties for now. I'm gonna let em incubate and hope a golden goose hatches in numberous years, numerous years too. I want to retire in Northern Chile or Uraguay in 10 years. I hear they have fertile farmland selling for pennies on the dollar, crime is low and the tech infrastructure of the country is getting better every day. Plus, I was told smoking Mary Jane was either decriminalized or totally legally now at many places in Central or South America.


Fat Vinny Jr.: Should I pump mid-month and dump on the 24th or look at this long-term?

Geezer: Man, you're just a repetitive as I am, Jeez. Personally, I'm going for the long-term. You have got to buy into SmartCash now while it's still a "penny currency" at newborn "antshare" prices, meaning, you need to buy into it NOW before it surges past $1+ at the end of 2018 (I'm guessing, I could be wrong). Right now the currency typically hovers around 6 to 10 cents per token, and right before the "dividend" is released the price shoots up on the 24th day of the month because people are scrambling, wanting to buy-buy-buy in as much as humanly possible so they can get in on next month's "bonus check". Remember what I said, the hold cycle is the 25th to the 25th, so make sure you get early and hold on tight, "Set it and Forget it", man.
I'm so excited, I'm ready to scream with joy! I just checked the price, and I've already doubled or tripled my initial investment. I'm scared and exhilarated at the same time! I got in at 3 to 4 cents.


Fat Vinny Jr.: What's the payout this SmartRewards Cycle?

Geezer: For the September 25th, 2017 to October 25th, 2017, cycle it's around 25% and the number of total people holding SmartCash is unknown, but the amount of qualifying addresses is 975, holding 142 million SmartCash, and the payout is 1/4th of your safe holding (take a look at for a 2-dimension chart). However the payout and snapshot for this cycle is being held back till October 28th, 2017.


Special Twitter Announcement: Due to unforeseen issues, the SmartRewards payout and snapshot date has been pushed back three days to October 28th. $smart #SmartCash

Fat Vinny Jr.: What's a snapshot?

Geezer: A snapshot is basically the window of time you want to make sure you don't sell any SmartCash so you qualify to get the SmartRewards. So basically right now you have less than a 3-day window (October 28th 2017) to get involved and buy as much SmartCash as you can afford right now to earn next month's payout. It's urgent man. My humble suggestion is you think about buying in as soon as possible and lets hope for a nice payout next monthly cycle. It will be the first cycle I actually will benefit from SmartRewards, as I only just got started in SmartCash mid-October 2017. I didn't get in early enough, but I got in when the price dipped nicely OTC! There's no greater joy and happiness than buying low and dreaming of selling high! Dreaming is the only thing that keeps me alive.


What's the Coin Circulating Supply on SmartCash?

Geezer: It appears to be at around roughly 750 million, according to this source where you can see there are a sizeable number of whales in deep on this currency from the very start which makes me nervous. I'm guessing those whales are going to break up their accounts into smaller accounts in the future, so things don't appear so lopsided. I'm only guessing though, time will tell. I have a good mind for psychology.


Fat Vinny Jr.: What's the maximum circulation and overhang?

Geezer: The maximum total circulation to come is: 5 billion (come on, do your Dr. Evil impression), which is a big red flag for a lot of crypto-investors, I personally don't see it that way at all. I see a green flag. I think it's a great opportunity actually. It means the SmartCash organizers have lots of room to market the ultimately finite e-currency, which means it has great potential for widespread adoption and ultimately no inflation, approaching deflation, if people lose their accounts by accident. I don't see it as a red flag, but as a BIG green one - one big ole' Yuge opportunity and more. The currency is going to be spread out over 100 years, they're not just going to dump it all out now. Slow and low seems to be their tempo (I sure hope none of the whales dump and debase the currency).


Fat Vinny Jr.: Oh MY GOD, the overhang must be YUGE then?!

Frowning Geezer: Cool down man, You have to put things in perspective, the overhang is not huge at all. Five billion minus seven-hundred-and-fifty-million is four-point-two-five-billion. Yes, I know the overhang at 4.250 billion coins still to be released is a scary quantity, which I know is also a colossal number in most peoples' minds, but take a deep breath, it's only going to be slowly released over the next 100 years. Did you hear me, one century! Which basically means 4.25 billion is not really colossal at all, it's tiny compared to the 750 million currently in circulation if you look at how fast most cryptocurrency pump their way to the stratosphere in half a decade to a decade. Anything is possible with this one, good or bad!

Let's be realistic, chances are most of us won't be alive in 100 years, unless that CRISPR human genetic engineering technology really takes off and they figure out how to enable humans to live forever in the next 20 to 40 years, but I don't have much time left sadly, I mean hey, I'm just being honest and realistic. I hope I make it to the immortality window in 20 years, but if I don't I've got cryonics as a backup plan? Check out 1) Alcore and 2) Cryonics Institute.


Fat Vinny: What the Heck is Cryonics?!

Geezer: Basically for $40K you can have your head cut off and frozen in liquid nitrogen for the next 100 to 150 years when nanotechnology will have finally made quantum leaps and they "solve" the nanomedicine question, which is to say after thawing you out, they will send in billions of tiny nanorobots -- smaller than can be seen with the unaided human eye -- into your head to revitalize your cells and awaken you again. Imagine waking up centuries in the future. Then they can attach your head onto a human clone created from your DNA, or even better, you can choose a totally new body or a robot body that looks so human, even humans can't tell it's a robot. There have already been some amazing advances in the field of cryonics, they froze a dog solid for 24 hours and brought it back to life. Once they figure out how to do it not just to dogs but to our distant cousins the chimps and bonobos and gorillas, well then cryonics will finally have crossed a major threshold. Until then, we should be patient and give Moore's law the opportunity to work its magic. Hey man, can I borrow $40K to sign up for Cryonics? I've been researching it lately and there appears to be two well-known companies that offer the service (Alcore and Cryonics Institute). Walt Disney is allegedly at one of them, and Rodney Dangerfield at another, I'd like to meet them both someday if the world doesn't enter another dark ages. It's hard to say.


Fat Vinny: I'm sorry bro, I don't have 40K to give you. Money is tight right now, the God damned IRS is up my arse, every time I fart they want to send me a gas bill. Besides if I had 40K, I'd probably put it on SmartCash wink. you gave me a pretty solid pitch about SmartCash and you didn't try to BullSugar me on it with too much honey-butter and golden-sunshine. I appreciate you mentioning the risks and dangers. You're a good salesman. You closed me. I do have $1000 bucks laying around. I'm going to go throw it in SmartCash, and keep it there until the SmartRewards drop below 1% in the coming years, then I might play the market a bit with what becomes of it as you hinted might be a good idea. I hope to goodness this cryptocurrency doesn't go bust. I'm going to assume good faith, like you always do, and give this one my best shot. If worse comes to worst I'll lose a grand, which is no big deal in the grand scheme of life. I've lost 100x more at the poker table and the sportsbetting parlour. What are you trying to suggest? SmartCash might someday be worth $1 million dollars each?


Geezer: Not only should you put $1000 bucks down on SmartCash, my recommendation is every week you put an extra $100 on it and ride the wave until it becomes a tsunami. $100 bucks a week is a tiny investment for people like you and me in the IT field, though I am in-between jobs right now, so I know what it means to feel extra-tight. If you feel a smidgen nervous about SmartCash, spread out that $100 a week on a basket of cryptocurrencies including SmartCash every week, especially if it will take the edge off of any fears you might have. But give SmartCash a strong consideration, and trickle money into it every week without fail and if the price rises to $3 a unit in half a decade, like I'm pessimistically guessing it will, then everyone can be plump and giddy! I'm just going on my gut feeling. If the yellow-whales and dinner party insiders that runs SmartCash are not building a Mount Everest of a boiler-room currency, then SmartCash is going to climb slow and steady over it's a long journey, don't let the peaks and valleys fool you then. SmartCash is a keeper.

Fat Vinny Jr.: You sold me on it, I'm going to buy in with for $1000 to start and add $50 to $150 per week for one year with absolutely no expectations. Let us see what happens after a little more than a year. If the price goes up to a dollar per unit at the end of 2018, I'll take you out for lunch at the most expensive restaurant in Manhattan and we'll have a feast.

Geezer: Consider it a done deal. #SmartCash Rocks!

(Fat Vinny Jr. and Geezer, say goodbye as good friends for now).


Web Wallet don't just get the downloadable local wallet get the e-wallet (web wallet) too.

#SmartRewards Payout Chart for the third-cycle (link is valid right now, might not be in the future).

Slack Community for SmartCash, visit

Download the local SmartCash wallet

SmartCash Forum

SmartCash Twitter


Bookmark this #SmartCash page, SmartRewards

Don't Forget!!

If you would like to learn more about SmartCash please visit



My SmartCash Lambo fund is at 1% of what's need, can you help me reach my goal and make a small donation below? Please donate 1 SmartCash unit.


SmartCash Address: SfR3QRfQpWH4zvrsyUx4UdxqbCtgVqcyT5

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