Get Your SMARTCASH merch! Ordering my Hannah Edition GIRLS GONE SMART tee shirt!
Have you seen that SmartCash have launched their official merch store? Called the SMARTIE shop, which you can visit here:
Payment options include SMART and STEEM as well as credit card, PayPal and other cryptocurrencies
The SMARTIE shop has been set up by team member @hockleyj!!! I was excited when he asked other Hive Team Members to suggest their own take on items of clothing. Here is mine:
I felt like I wanted something to represent females in the cryptosphere, because it is a space that at the moment seems to be mostly male-dominated. @somnium helped to create this awesome design with a dash of pink!

I think being a girl that is into cryptocurrency is pretty cool, and something to be celebrated, so I wanted the Smart Shop to feature an item of clothing that celebrates those girls.
The idea behind the slogan of ‘Girls Gone SMART’ or ‘Girls Gone SMARTCASH’ is a play on Girls Gone Wild, but a version that emphasises the intelligence of females in the cryptosphere and SmartCash community.
There is a bunch of different merch in the shop at the moment, with more to be added soon!!

I loved the fact I could pay using my SMART

I ordered a bunch of stuff and the checkout process was pretty easy!

I just copied and pasted the address into my wallet to send across the amount. If you send too much by accident (which I tested) you get a refund for the difference.

Then after around 10 minutes, the website confirmed my order had been paid for!! And I got email confirmation from the SMARTIE shop!

@hannahlicious awesome article as usual, glad you like the site, looking forward to instapay in the future so it doesnt take 10mins for a smart purchase.
thanks @hockleyj - can't wait for instantpay :) its gonna be awesome
Excellent, I did not know anything about the store, right now I'll take a look, by the way I loved your design @hannahlicious. @hockleyj has done a great job too. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry i was so busy getting it working that i havent marketed it to everyone in the Smartieverse yet.
No problem, good job.
How about the idea of e-bay where anyone in smartcash community can sell their goods.
@cloudspyder im looking into it, but its not a simple thing... and might be more in the scope of a community proposal if anyone wants to tackle such an undertaking.
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Lol I skim read a lot and was about to complain why this was not labeled NSFW until I read the words a second time. Honestly my eyes had to dart backward to realize what you were really trying to sell.
lol yep you would have missed the boat on that one @mawit07
Nice design Hannah...
Upload a photo wearing it after :)
Great article as always.
Your T-Shirt totaly rocks!! Ink power!! SmartCash power!!