HELLOooooo...Any Body Here...?!?!?!?

in #small-talk5 years ago

Just thought I'd pop in and say hello to anyone passing through and stopping to read this post here on Steemit…

Yeah...I know, I know...most everyone has skipped out the door to Hive but maybe some of you are still posting and curating on Steemit.

Actually, I know some of you guys have remained, at least 'in part' because I've spotted you in my old feed :>)

A few of you seem pretty angry with the whole mess going on. I can't blame you for feeling that way; especially those who have been here a long time, investing a lot of time and money into the platform.

I see so many people in 'Power Down' mode as well...I guess I should 're-start' my power down too. Hell...it doesn't give me much voting power, anyway...so why not? Also, everyone should be positioned to cash out as quickly as possible, if ever wanting or needing too.

Nothing is safe here, either...your money can be easily stolen from you at any time by malevolent actors; proven by the BIG 'FREEZE' performed by way of a Witness 'Soft-Fork'. Imagine what can be done with a 'Hard Fork' that 'disappears' you and your Stake from Steem Wallet?

TRUST for ANY blockchain and it's creators should 'never' be given, without 'proof' of integrity. 'TRUSTLESS' being used within descriptions of Crypto-coins or tokens and 'how' it is being offered to the public, is plain 'bullshit'... Take the word 'trustless' to mean..."You cannot 'trust' us" (The way the word is intended)

Isn't it bizarre how our language is being hijacked to the extreme these days? What I find even more disgusting is, dumb fucks are buying into it...in droves...!!!

Oh well...there's not a whole lot I can do about it other than voice my opinion, concern and refusal to be as much a dumb fuck too.

ME...??? I'm gonna 'remain' me, as 'me' mostly was yesterday and the days before that...except for changing 'intentionally' (as 'I' see fit) for the betterment of 'self' and the world.

Listen, friends...I'm outta here for now. See ya when I see ya.


@AngryMan on Steemit, March 22, 2020

Image: Pixabay.com


Some people are still milking the reward pool on the way out😆. I'm still going to hang around for now, but lets see if anything changes for a mass exodus of us all. Censoring the comments section is a very bad start lol. If any of my posts go missing, then I guess it's time to leave.

I'm going to be checking in on steemit too, at least for awhile. I'd like to keep in touch with some old friends who may not have moved to other options.

Some people are still milking the reward pool on the way out
kha - Copy (3).jpg

That doesn't surprise me...! Some people will 'murder' for an extra penny or two...!!!

i'm gonna post to both for now. I have to say that I like the peakd interface much better than even steempeak. So far Hive functions a lot better but it will remain to be seen. I spend more time over there than i do here because of the UI, which was always a problem over here at Steemit

Hi @gooddream...Yeah, I'll be moving between both platforms as well in these early stages of the 'split'. I like the PeakD UI too; the additional features they built into it offers a more pleasant environment. I've been to Hive and began leaving my 'mark' there with a couple of posts :>)

Good to hear from you; hope all is well in Viet Nam.

I'm going to be powering down both steem and hive. I don't view the fork as being good for either of the platforms. After that I'll just use hive as an ordinary social media site like FB and instagram. My vote is currently only worth a cent anyway. I'm still playing Steemmonsters daily to try to milk a little bit more money out of it.

So, I'll be seeing you 'there' in the future @ninjamike. I think 'Hive' or 'Steemit' will be incorporating built in features which appeal more to standard Social Media affectionados soon, in an effort to onboard users. Steemit failed in the past by becoming more convoluted in scope. Maybe Justin will choose to make changes that make 'young people' more interested in coming here and staying than what Ned was unable or unwilling to do?

I'll be popping in here. My upvote is worth shit so I decided to powerdown too. I curate for curangel, so moved to hive to curate. But... who knows what happens next? I don't

Hi @nikv … Sorry I'm so late in responding, but I haven't been active on either Steemit or Hive for the past three weeks and just returned to find your comment.

My upvote is worth shit so I decided to powerdown too.

I just set 'powerdown' in motion too on steemit due to all the uncertainty hanging heavily over our heads. There has been too much 'sudden' change with the 'split' for me to comfortably adapt, but I'm trying :>)

I've started interacting on Hive as well. See you there...or here...

How are the Kitties? Mine are all seemingly well.

I'll be on Hive for sure and I see you are there. The kitties are doing well, so all is good in all worlds 😺

I'm happy to hear you and the felines are doing well.

Is everything ok, Mr Angry man?

You've been very quiet lately...

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