Back to share artwork in creative commons
For 4 weeks I have not made an entry on the steemit blog to share artwork in the #slothicorn spirit , I have almost no hope when my old netbook has a hardware problem. after having enough money, I fix my beloved netbook and be grateful for it can be fixed.
This EOS-themed digital artwork I created before my device was broken, after my live device can not wait to share this simple artwork. I love creating files in GIF format and fantasizing with them.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work has no special meaning except the implicit form of hand, refusing, grabbing, giving and asking against EOS tokens is the meaning contained, please you give any interpretation of the artwork, surely I am very happy tonight because it can go back to blogpost steemit using my old device.
Thank you for your warm welcome and have taken the time to see and support my entry.
The spirit of work By; @khansa
MyEtherWallet : 0xc54d76EB2c1E6398f407cC47F86cC6816dE338fc
upvote for me please?