First Try Using Water Colors

in #slothicorn6 years ago (edited)


For all this time, I always using pencil or pen colors for coloring every pictures I’ve made. Now, I’m so excited to try my new tools, the water colors. For the sake of my life, I never using this one.

Selama ini, saya selau menggunakan pensil atau pena warna untuk mewarnai setiap gambar yang saya buat. Sekarang, saya sangat tidak sabar untuk mencoba alat baru, si cat air. Sepanjang hidup, saya belum pernah menggunakan alat ini.

Actually… I bought it over two months ago, I take a new step when I spent my money for this thing. A little expensive tool for me, but yeah I need to improve my creativity, I need something new on my artworks. I get bored using my pencil colors. Play with everything will grab my inspiration and make some artistic. I know I need to exercise more to get new skill when using water colors.

Sebenarnya… saya sudah membeli alat ini hampir dua bulan lalu, ini langkah baru ketika saya merogoh kocek untuk benda ini. Si benda sedikit mahal bagi saya, tapi yeah saya butuh mengembangkan kreativitas saya, saya butuh sesuatu yang baru di karya-karya saya. Mulai bosan aih menggunakan pensil warna. Bermain dengan banyak hal mungkin bisa merenggut inspirasi saya dan menghasilkan sesuatu yang artistik. Walaupun saya tahu tentu saja harus banyak latihan menggunakan benda ini.

Okay, let’s check this out. How it looks, the first try using water colors.

Oke coba kita cari tahu, bagaimana jadinya, percobaan pertama menggunakan cat warna.

I made mountains with morning view. Using blue for its sky. Add a few alpine tree and the water colors colored the sky.

Saya membuat pegunungan dengan pemandangan pagi hari. Menggunakan warna biru untuk langitnya. Menambahkan beberapa pohon pinus dan car air mewarnai langitnya.





Why the paper looks curly or looks it has wave on it? Because I brush it just like moping the floor. I promise to give the better artwork next.



Great job Elvi! Your artwork looks great. I have visited Medan. I miss Indonesia very much.

Teman bule dari AS!

Yo abang bule... How you doing?
come visit us again. I can be your travel guide. Contact me if you come to medan

wow...sangat bagus hasilnya. walaupun sederhana tapi sangat bagus

yo makasih ya bang

Sederhana tapi memukau...

Great first try! You'll get used to blending colors. I bet you can even find some tutorials online! And talking about the paper - maybe you just need to use thicker stock, paper tends to do that if it's not ment to be drawn on with watercolor. Anyway, great progress and keep it up!

Yes, exactly.
I used my sketch book, not paper for watercolor, that's why after i colored it, the paper had curly

indah sekali, naturalis

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