Jeff Wayne was the first music to really get into my head
Jeff Waynes 'War of the Worlds' was one of my earliest memories of an album that transported me to another time and place and made me fall in love with music.

I have earlier memories such as The Carpenters (so many great tracks) but those other songs were really my parents love of music that I also enjoyed. War of the Worlds was introduced to be by my best friends brother and was all my own that they didn't like.
Looking for it again, I found this wonderful stage musical version of the album complete with Jeff Wayne and the original voice actors. What a gem this is.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. This is part of the slobberchallenge from the following article by slobberchops:
EDIT: Damn. Just had to buy tickets for this in Manchester in December. I thought this platform was supposed to make me money not cost me it :)
A great choice, I was quite obsessed with WotW for a while. Dead London, is especially creepy.