The Right To Vote: Is it Under Attack by the Deep State?

in #sleepyjoe2 months ago (edited)

The Core of American Identity: Self- Determination

What defines America is the right of its people to self-determination, to self-govern, and to choose how they are governed. In essence, this is best exemplified in the right to vote.

It is crucial not to get bogged down in debates about whether voting is real or a sham. Don't get distracted by "Its all fake. Our leaders are selected by the elite we don't choose". If you focus on that you will miss the bigger picture. As Bruce Lee said in "Enter The Dragon'; "It's like a finger pointing to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or else you will all that heavenly glory".

The Threat to American Freedom

For the New World Order agenda to advance, the global elites must first fundamentally transform America. The core idea they need to eliminate is the concept of freedom. Man's greatest superpower is the right to choose. This right is best exemplified and seen in the ballot; the right to vote.

If you remove or strip away that right or even the belief, you have instantaneously transformed America. And the only way it could ever go back is through revolution; violent revolution.

A few years ago, I produced a video titled "The Fix Was In," where I delved into a four-year-long psychological operation (PSYOP) being orchestrated against the American populace. The true impact of this operation became glaringly evident in the aftermath of the November 3, 2020, election.

The Election Revelation

In that election, a significant demographic was made to believe that their vote didn't count. This wasn't just speculation—it was broad daylight, blatant cheating. The malfeasance was so overt that people were almost deliberately shown that their votes were meaningless. It was a clear message: "Your vote doesn't matter, and you don't have the right to redress." To borrow from the infamous Alonzo Harris, "It's not what you know, it's what you can prove." The stark choice presented: "Do you want to go to jail, or do you want to go home?"

The Protest and Its Aftermath

This brazen behavior was out in the open, and its transparency cannot be overstressed. When citizens gathered on January 6th to exercise their constitutional rights, they were met with charges of insurrection and conspiracy. While conspiracy is a serious charge with stringent criteria, the broader implications of this response are a subject for another discussion.

The Summer of 2024: A New PSYOP

As I mentioned in my previous discussions, when those in power execute a PSYOP, they target everyone simultaneously. While one group or demographic may initially seem like the primary focus or the spearhead, the ultimate aim encompasses the entire populace.

Biden's Sudden Exit

Just over a hundred days before the election, President Biden unexpectedly dropped out of the race. As the presumptive nominee, he ran unopposed, bypassing the traditional process where candidates are nominated by the people, state by state. Instead, Kamala Harris was selected—not by the voters, but by the elites controlling the Democratic Party.

Reflecting on Democratic Principles

This raises pertinent questions: Is Harris the best candidate? Does she truly represent your views? Would she have been your choice? This decision was made without the fundamental democratic process of voting, directly appointing a leader. One side was outright told their vote didn't count, while the other side didn't even get the opportunity to vote.

Open and Transparent Manipulation

The most alarming part of this entire saga is that the manipulation was conducted openly. Last time, the slogan was "Stop Trump at all costs," which seems to have justified these actions in the eyes of some. But in reality, this is a dangerous precedent being set, undermining the very essence of what America is.


It is imperative to remain vigilant with the events transpiring before us. The transformation has begun.

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