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RE: Ganadores de Manteniéndome en forma / Ejercicios para zona media

in #slcfitness-s22w426 days ago

Hi sir @marvinvelasquez, you have chosen the very right contest followers. They have all followed the lessons perfectly, Among them:

  • They have shown clear and creative videos.
  • They all wear sportswear well (although there are still some who wear jeans)
  • and in the latter they have explained the experience when they performed the exercises perfectly.

Congratulations to the friends who were chosen as the winners, keep your spirit and defend your achievements.


Fueron los que mejor calificación sacaron y la compañera que dices que usa jeans, dejo muy claro en su publicación que no son jeans sino leggins, que es una prenda deportiva femenina.

Gracias por tus buenos deseos

Well, thanks for the explanation.

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