SLC21 Week4 - Recursia

in #slc21w4sergeyk3 months ago

Assalamualaikum my fellows I hope you will be fine by the grace of Allah. Today I am going to participate in the steemit learning challenge season 21 week 4 by @sergeyk under the umbrella of steemit team. It is about recursia. Let us start exploring this week's teaching course.

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Understanding Recursion

Recursion is the process of defining a set of elements by operating on preceding elements using a formula or rule.

Recursion is a technique in computer science and mathematics. In recursion a problem is solved by breaking it down into smaller parts of the problem. In the recursion the function calls itself either directly or indirectly. The function solves progressively simpler versions of the problem until a base case is reached. When the base case is reached the recursion stops.

A base case is necessary in recursion. It provides a condition under which the function stops calling itself. Without this the function would call itself indefinitely. It will lead to an error like stack overflow.

How Recursion Works

  1. Recursive Step: The function calls itself to solve a simpler or smaller part of the same problem.
  2. Base Case: This is the stopping condition in recursion. It is usually the simplest form of the problem liken = 0 for factorials.

A classic example of recursion is calculating the factorial of a number n. The factorial function is defined as:

  • n! = n * (n-1)! and the recursion stops when n = 0 because 0! = 1.


In this example the function factorial calls itself until it hits n = 0 at which point it stops and starts returning values back through the recursion chain.

I have encountered recursion while calculating the factorial of the number. In this the factorial calculation function calls itself again and again until it reaches to the base case. In the above program I have given the example of the factorial calculating program and the recursive function is in use in that program.

It’s often a natural way to think about problems where you have a complex structure that can be broken down into similar smaller subproblems.

Relationship Between "Fractal" and Recursion

A fractal is a geometric shape that can be split into parts. In this geometric shape each part is a reduced scale copy of the whole shape. In other words fractals show self similarity at different scales.

The relationship between recursion and fractals lies in the idea of repeating patterns and self similarity. The reality is that many fractals are generated using recursive algorithms. Here are some reasons:

  1. Self Similarity: A fractal is often a pattern that repeats itself. It repeats at different levels of magnification. This shows how recursive functions work by breaking down a problem into smaller and similar subproblems.

  2. Recursive Generation of Fractals: Fractals can be created through recursive algorithms. Because in the recusrive algorithms each iteration of the function draws a smaller version of the pattern. And then it repeats the process. For example:

    • The Sierpinski Triangle can be created recursively by starting with an equilateral triangle and recursively cutting out smaller triangles from it.
    • The Mandelbrot Set one of the most famous fractals also involves repeatedly applying a mathematical function to generate a complex and self similar structure.

Example of a Recursive Fractal (Sierpinski Triangle)

The Sierpinski triangle is a simple fractal that can be generated using recursion. Here is the idea:

  • Start with a triangle.
  • Divide it into three smaller triangles.
  • Recursively apply the same process to each of these smaller triangles.


This C++ program generates a Sierpinski Triangle by recursively subdividing a triangle into smaller ones. The main logic is encapsulated in the draw function. It takes the size of the current triangle (n) and its top vertex's coordinates (x, y) as well as the 2D grid (grid) to store the pattern. The base case places a star (*) when n equals 1 while the recursive case divides the current triangle into three smaller ones. The program starts by checking if the input size n is a positive power of 2. Then it initializes a 2D grid large enough to accommodate the fractal. The draw function is called to fill the grid with stars and the resulting pattern is displayed row by row. The program ensures efficiency and clarity by keeping the grid size optimal and simplifying the recursive logic.

Here is the table to highlight the relationship betwen the fractal and recursion.

RecursionA technique where a function calls itself to solve smaller instances of the same problem, stopping at a base case.Recursion breaks down a problem into smaller subproblems, similar to how fractals repeat smaller patterns.
FractalsPatterns that repeat themselves on different scales, exhibiting self-similarity.Many fractals are generated using recursive algorithms due to their self-repeating, smaller structures.
ConnectionRecursion and fractals are connected through the idea of repeating structures or patterns.Fractals use recursion to generate self-similar patterns at different scales.

Explore the limit of what is the largest value of the factorial that can be calculated with a certain type of data.

The largest factorial that can be calculated with a certain data type depends on the size or the maximum value the data type can hold. Different data types in programming languages like C or C++ have different limits for how large a number they can store.

For example a char in C typically holds values in the range -128 to 127 if signed or 0 to 255 if unsigned. This range is too small to store even relatively small factorials. On the other hand the larger data types like int, long and long long can hold much larger values.

Now to explain this in depth let us cosnider common data types and their limits. And we will see the largest factorial (n!) that we can calculate without overflow.

Key Data Types and Their Limits

  1. char: It is typically 1 byte and the range of values is -128 to 127 (signed) or 0 to 255 (unsigned).
  2. short: It is typically 2 bytes and the range of values is -32,768 to 32,767 (signed) or 0 to 65,535 (unsigned).
  3. int: It is typically 4 bytes and the range of values is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (signed).
  4. long: It is typically 4 or 8 bytes and depending on the system the range of values is usually -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (signed) for 4 bytes or much larger for 8 bytes.
  5. long long: It is typically 8 bytes and the range of values is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (signed).
  6. unsigned types: These types only store positive values and have higher upper limits.

Largest factorial (n!) that fits within the limits of each data type

Here I will calculate the largest factorialn! that fits into each data type until we exceed the upper limit of the data type.

Table of Largest Factorial for Different Data Types

Data TypeMax ValueLargest n (such that n! fits)n!
char127 (signed) or 255 (unsigned)5120
short32,767 (signed) or 65,535 (unsigned)75,040
int2,147,483,647 (signed)12479,001,600
long2,147,483,647 (signed)12479,001,600
long long9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (signed)202,432,902,008,176,640,000
unsigned long long18,446,744,073,709,551,615202,432,902,008,176,640,000


  • For char (8-bit): A signed char can hold values between -128 and 127. The factorial for values larger than 5 exceed the capacity of a char. Hence, 5! is the largest factorial that fits in a char.

  • For short (16-bit): A signed short can hold values between -32,768 and 32,767. The factorial 7! = 5040 is the largest factorial that can fit in a signed short.

  • For int (32-bit): A signed int can hold values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. The largest factorial that fits in an int is 12! = 479,001,600.

  • For long (typically 32-bit or 64-bit): If long is 32-bit (same as int), then 12! = 479,001,600 is the largest value. However, on systems where long is 64-bit, we could calculate much higher factorials, such as 20!, which is well within the range of a 64-bit long.

  • For long long (64-bit): A signed long long can store much larger values (up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807), so the largest factorial that fits in a long long is 20! = 2,432,902,008,176,640,000.

  • For unsigned long long: Since it doesn't need to account for negative numbers, an unsigned long long can hold larger values. The largest factorial that fits is 20!.

Factorial functions grow exponentially.

  • 5! = 120
  • 10! = 3,628,800
  • 15! = 1,307,674,368,000
  • 20! = 2,432,902,008,176,640,000

As you can see, the factorial function increases very quickly and it soon exceeds the limits of many standard data types.

We can see that as the size of the data type increases the largest factorial that can be computed also increases. However even long long has limits. Because after a certain point very large factorials will require specialized data types such as arbitrary precision libraries to compute and store.

Investigate how many calls the function will make before terminating. more details about this task are described in the lecture.

It is interesting to investigate that how many call teh function will make before its termination. It is actually related to the depth of recursion. Now for the investigation first of all I will explain the recursion call stack.

Understanding the Recursion Call Stack

Each time a function calls itself in the recursion it adds a new entry to the call stack. It serves as a data structure to track the active function calls. The depth of recursion refers to how many function calls are stacked up before the base case is reached.

For example here is the recursive factorial function:

int factorial(int n) {
    if (n == 0)  // base case
        return 1;
    return n * factorial(n - 1);  // recursive call

How Many Calls Will Be Made?

In the case of the factorial function when factorial(n) is called then the function makes a recursive call to factorial(n-1). And it keeps on calling the function until it reaches the base case (n == 0). The number of recursive calls made is equal to n. Beecause for each value of n a recursive call is made to n-1 until it reaches 0.

Example with factorial(5):

  • factorial(5) calls factorial(4)
  • factorial(4) calls factorial(3)
  • factorial(3) calls factorial(2)
  • factorial(2) calls factorial(1)
  • factorial(1) calls factorial(0)
  • factorial(0) is the base case and stops the recursion

In this case, 6 function calls are made before the recursion terminates. One call for each of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0.

General Case

For any call to factorial(n) the number of calls made will be equal to n + 1 as the recursive calls include the base case which is factorial(0). It means if we take n=10 then the number of recursive calls will 11 and similarly if n = 20 then the number of recursive calls will be equal to 21.

Factors Affecting Recursion Calls

  1. Depth of Recursion: The deeper the recursion the more calls will be made. This depth depends directly on the input size. In the case of factorial the depth is simply the number n.

  2. Base Case: Every recursive function must have a base case or termination condition. It ensures the recursion will stop after a certain number of calls. If the base case is never reached then the recursion will continue indefinitely and lead to stack overflow. So base case is necessary.

  3. System Stack Limitations: Different systems have different limits for the depth of recursion they can handle. If the recursion depth exceeds the maximum allowed stack size then the program will crash with a stack overflow error. For example on some systems the default stack size might allow around 1000 recursive calls before running out of memory. On 32-bit systems the maximum call stack size is generally smaller as compared to 64-bit systems. Therefore a 64-bit machine can usually handle deeper recursion levels.

How Many Calls Before the Function Terminates?

To investigate how many recursive calls are made before termination we can run a test using a recursive function like the one for calculating factorial. The number of calls will depend on the value of n.

Here is a simple C++ program that tracks how many recursive calls are made before termination of the recursive function:


You can see that I have run the program by giving n = 5 and it has calculated the factorial of this number as 120. And it has calculated that the function made 6 recursive calls where 5 calls for the main function and 1 call for the base case. So we can now say that the number of calls for a recursive function main depends upon n+1.

  • The number of recursive calls will be the same as the value of n plus one because of the base case call. This is demonstrated by the global call_count variable in the code above.

  • To investigate how many calls can be made before the program crashes due to stack overflow we are incrementing n until the program fails. For example on a typical system we can be able to make several thousand recursive calls before running into a stack overflow.

If we summarize it in afew lines then:

  • For a function like factorial(n) the number of recursive calls is equal to n + 1 since the base case factorial(0) counts as one call.
  • The recursion depth is limited by the system's stack size. If the recursion exceeds this depth then a stack overflow issue will occur.
  • Some systems provide ways to increase the stack size or optimize tail recursion to handle deeper recursive calls.

Print numbers from 1 to n

It is just a common program where we can easily print numbers from 1 to n. To print numbers from 1 to n in C++ we can use iteration and recursion method. Both approaches are given below:

  • Iterative Approach

  • Recursive Approach

1. Iterative Approach (Using a Loop)

The iterative approach is the most common way to print numbers from 1 to n. It uses a simple for loop. When we need to print numbers from 1 to n or in any range then mostly this method is used.

C++ Code (Iterative):


  • In this iterative approach to print numbers from 1 to n I have used a for loop to iterate through numbers from 1 to n.
  • Each number is printed on the same line but with the space.
  • After the loop a newline character (endl) is printed to move the cursor to the next line.
  • I have assigned n as 100 it means the program should print numbers atrting from 1 to 100 consecutively. And it perfomed the same as expected you can see it has printed numbers from 1 to n by using this iterative approach with the help of the for loop.

2. Recursive Approach (Using Recursion)

This approach is also very useful but in this approach we do not use loop but we use a recursive function which calls itself again and again until the base case is reached. In this the function will call until it has printed number from 1 to n. In this logic the base case will 1.


  • In this recursive approach to print numbers from 1 to n. The recursive function printNumbersRecursive(int n) calls itself with n - 1 until n becomes 1.
  • The base case for recursion is n < 1. This is the point at which the function terminates.
  • After the recursive call the current value of n is printed.
  • This causes the numbers to be printed in increasing order as the printing happens after the recursion.

In the program you can see that I have given 100 as the value of n. The program has printed numbers from 1 to given bnumber n which is 100 by recursive function. The function has called itself again and again until it has reached to its base case.

How the Recursive Approach Works

If n = 5 then the recursive calls will happen like this:

  • printNumbersRecursive(5) will call printNumbersRecursive(4)
  • printNumbersRecursive(4) will call printNumbersRecursive(3)
  • printNumbersRecursive(3) will call printNumbersRecursive(2)
  • printNumbersRecursive(2) will call printNumbersRecursive(1)
  • printNumbersRecursive(1) will reach the base case and start returning.

When the base case is reached (n == 0) then the function starts returning back. And in this way it prints numbers in increasing order.

Both methods will achieve the same result and the choice between them depends on the specific use case.

Print numbers from n to 1

To print numbers from n to 1 in C++ we can also use both iteration with a loop and recursion. Below are the two approaches for printing numbers in reverse order from n to 1.

1. Iterative Approach (Using a Loop)

This approach uses a simple for loop to print numbers in reverse order starting from n and decrementing down to 1. This is similar to the previous task but here the order for printing the numbers is different. In the previous task we printed numbers from 1 to n but here by using the for loop we will print numbers from n to 1.


  • In the above program I have used a for loop. The loop is starting from n. And i is decrementing in each iteration by i-- until i reaches 1.
  • Each number is printed on the same line but separated by a space.
  • After the loop a newline character endl is printed to move the cursor to the next line.
  • In this way the program is printing numbers from n to 1.
  • Here I have given n = 100 and the program has printed numbers from 100 to 1 and after each iteration the number n is decreasing until it reaches 1.

2. Recursive Approach (Using Recursion)

This approach has to print the same output but here we will use recursive algorithm to print the numbers from n to 1. In this we will use a recursive function and it will call itself with n-1 until it reaches the base case. And in this way it prints the numbers.


  • The function printNumbersRecursive(int n) prints n then calls itself with n - 1 until n is less than 1.
  • The base case is when n < 1 and it terminates the recursion.
  • Numbers are printed as the recursion unwinds which results in printing them from n down to 1.
  • Here you can see that I have given n as 100 and the recursive function has printed the numbers from 100 to 1 by calling itself again and again.

How the Recursive Approach Works

If n = 5, the recursive calls will happen like this:

  • printNumbersRecursive(5) prints 5, then calls printNumbersRecursive(4)
  • printNumbersRecursive(4) prints 4, then calls printNumbersRecursive(3)
  • printNumbersRecursive(3) prints 3, then calls printNumbersRecursive(2)
  • printNumbersRecursive(2) prints 2, then calls printNumbersRecursive(1)
  • printNumbersRecursive(1) prints 1, then calls printNumbersRecursive(0)
  • printNumbersRecursive(0) reaches the base case and terminates the recursion.

Numbers are printed in the order 5 4 3 2 1 as the recursive function unwinds.

Here is a comparison table to show the difference between Iterative and Recursive approaches:

AspectIterative ApproachRecursive Approach
SimplicitySimpler and easier to understand for straightforward tasks.More elegant but can be complex for simple tasks.
EfficiencyGenerally faster and uses less memory (no extra stack space).Can be less efficient due to overhead of recursive calls and stack space usage.
Use CaseIdeal for tasks that can be solved with simple loops (e.g., printing numbers).Best for problems that have a natural recursive structure (e.g., fractals, tree traversal).
Memory UsageUses constant memory, as it only requires a loop variable.May consume more memory due to the function call stack.
EleganceMore direct but less elegant for complex, recursive problems.More elegant for problems involving repeating subproblems.

Write a function to calculate the sum of two numbers a+b. Do not use the a+b calculation directly. First perform this task using a loop (1 point), maybe it will tell you how to use recursion here and perform this task

It is looking interesting to calculate the sum of two numbers without the classic calculation where we directly add two numbers. But here we need to find out the sum without directky adding two numbers. So to calculate teh sum first of all I will use iterative approach with the help of loop. After that I will perform the same functionality but with the help of recursion.

In both approaches, the key concept is that we will simulate the addition of a and b without directly using the + operator by either repeating the addition in a loop or through recursive function calls. This illustrates a way to handle basic arithmetic operations indirectly by breaking them down into smaller and more manageable tasks.

1. Using a Loop (Iterative Approach)

  • We will start with a as the initial value.
  • Then we will run a loop b times by incrementing a by 1 on each iteration.
  • After the loop ends the value of a will have increased by b which is the sum of a + b.


  • The sum_using_loop function initializes the result variable with the value of a.
  • It then runs a for loop b times by incrementing the result by 1 in each iteration.
  • Once the loop finishes then the final value of result is returned which is the sum of a and b.


  • For a = 5 and b = 3 the loop will execute 3 times while incrementing result to 8.
  • The result is 8 which is the sum of 5 + 3.

So in this way we can find the sum of the two numbers without directly adding them but using loop.

2. Using Recursion (Recursive Approach)

  • In the recursive approach the function will call itself by decreasing b by 1 each time. But on the other hand it will increment a by 1.
  • This will continue until b becomes 0. And when b becomes 0 the recursion stops and a contains the sum.


  • The sum_using_recursion function first checks if b == 0. If it is then it means the base case is reached and it simply returns a as adding 0 to a gives a itself.
  • If b is not 0 the function calls itself with a + 1 and b - 1 effectively adding 1 to a and reducing b by 1.
  • This process continues until b becomes 0 and then the final value of a is returned.


  • For a = 5 and b = 3the recursive function works as follows:
    1. First call: sum_using_recursion(5 + 1, 3 - 1) -> sum_using_recursion(6, 2)
    2. Second call: sum_using_recursion(6 + 1, 2 - 1) -> sum_using_recursion(7, 1)
    3. Third call: sum_using_recursion(7 + 1, 1 - 1) -> sum_using_recursion(8, 0)
    4. Base case reached: sum_using_recursion(8, 0) returns 8.
  • The result is 8 which is the sum of 5 + 3.

After walking through these botrh techniques we can conclude:

  • Loop Method (Iterative): This method uses a for loop to increment the value of a by 1 for b times. It is an iterative approach that simulates the addition process by repeating an action or incrementing a.

  • Recursion Method (Recursive): This method uses recursion to reduce the problem. Each recursive call adds 1 to a and reduces b by 1 until b reaches 0. And at this point the sum is returned.

Both methods avoid using the + operator directly and instead rely on iterative or recursive processes to simulate the addition of two numbers.

Print a string character by character

This question involves the understanding of how to manipulate strings in C++ by using both array indexing and pointer arithmetic. In C++ the strings are essentially arrays of characters with the last character being a null terminator ('\0') to mark the end of the string.

Now according to the question we need to print each character of a string one by one using two different approaches. The first approach is to print the string character by character by accessing characters through array indexing such as s[i] and the second method is to use pointer arithmetic such as*p where p is a pointer to the string.

  • In the first method we loop through the string using an index and print each character until the null terminator is encountered.

  • In the second method we use a pointer to iterate through the string by dereferencing the pointer to access each character and advancing the pointer with p++.

Both methods achieve the same outcome while printing the string character by character but by using different techniques in C++ for accessing and manipulating array data.

Using Array Indexing


  • This method uses array indexing to access and print each character of the string.
  • The array s[] is automatically treated as a pointer to the first character of the string and we can access each element by its index (s[i]).
  • A for loop is used to iterate over the array. The loop continues as long as s[i] != '\0'. It means it keeps iterating until it reaches the null terminator '\0' which marks the end of the string.
  • We start with i = 0 and each iteration prints s[i] followed by a space. After each iteration i is incremented by 1.
  • The loop terminates when s[i] is equal to '\0'.

As our input string is recursia so the program has printed this string character by character in r e c u r s i a.

Using Pointer Arithmetic


  • This method uses pointer arithmetic to access and print each character of the string.

  • We define a pointer p that points to the first character of the string likep = s.

  • A while loop is used to iterate through the string. The loop continues as long as the dereferenced pointer *p is not the null terminator '\0'.

  • *p dereferences the pointer to get the character at the current pointer location.

  • After printing *p the pointer p is incremented using p++ and by moving it to the next character in the string.

  • The loop stops when the pointer points to the null terminator '\0'.

    As our input string is recursia so the program has printed this string character by character in r e c u r s i a.

Summary of Key Differences Between the Two Methods

AspectMethod 1: Array IndexingMethod 2: Pointer Arithmetic
Accessing CharactersUses the index i to access s[i].Uses a pointer p and dereferences it (*p).
Iteration MechanismUses a for loop that runs until s[i] != '\0'.Uses a while loop that runs until *p != '\0'.
Pointer InvolvementNo pointer manipulation, just array indexing.Uses a pointer (p) and moves it with p++.
Character AccessAccesses characters via s[i].Accesses characters via *p.
  • Array Indexing is a straightforward way to traverse and print the string by directly accessing each element using an index.
  • Pointer Arithmetic demonstrates the flexibility of pointers in C++ by moving through the string with pointer arithmetic and dereferencing to access characters.

Both methods ultimately achieve the same result of printing the characters of the string "recursia" but they demonstrate two different ways of interacting with the string one via indexing and the other using pointer manipulation.

Similar to the previous task - but the line must be displayed backwards, turned around.

To solve the problem of printing a string backwards in C++ we can use both array indexing and pointer arithmetic methods. This is similar to the previous task but with the goal of reversing the order of characters before printing.

We can use the same two approahes here:

  1. Array Indexing: We can loop through the string from the last character to the first by printing each character one by one.
  2. Pointer Arithmetic: We can use a pointer to point to the last character of the string and then move the pointer backwards by printing each character until we reach the first one.

Using Array Indexing (Backward)

This method involves using the length of the string to print characters starting from the last one and iterating backwards.


  • First we calculate the length of the string by using strlen(s) which returns the number of characters before the null terminator.
  • We start from the last character (s[length - 1]) and move backwards to the first character (s[0]) by using a for loop.
  • The loop prints each character followed by a space and the loop terminates when i becomes less than 0.

As our input string is recursia so the program has printed this string character by character in the reverse order in a i s r u c e r.

Using Pointer Arithmetic (Backward)

This method involves using a pointer that points to the last character and moves backwards through the string.


  • We initialize a pointer p to point to the first character of the string (s).
  • First we move the pointer p to the last character of the string by incrementing it until we reach the null terminator ('\0').
  • Once p points to the null terminator we decrement the pointer (p--) to move to the last character of the string.
  • Then we use a while loop to print each character by dereferencing the pointer (*p) and we move the pointer backwards until p reaches the beginning of the string (p >= s).

As our input string is recursia so the program has printed this string character by character in the reverse order in a i s r u c e r.

Summary of Key Concepts for Reversing a String

AspectMethod 1: Array Indexing (Backward)Method 2: Pointer Arithmetic (Backward)
Accessing CharactersUses the index i to access s[i] from the end.Uses a pointer p and moves it backwards (p--).
Iteration MechanismLoops from length - 1 down to 0.Moves pointer from the null terminator to the start.
Pointer InvolvementNo pointer manipulation.Uses pointer manipulation to move through the string in reverse.
Character AccessAccesses characters via s[i].Accesses characters via *p.

To print a string backwards in C++ we can either use array indexing by iterating from the end to the beginning of the string or we can use pointer arithmetic by moving a pointer from the null terminator towards the start of the string. Both methods involve reversing the order in which we access and print the characters.

I invite @suboohi, @irawandedy, and @chant to learn strings.

I have compiled all the code of the tasks in a famous online compiler which is OnlineGDB


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