Vulnerability Management with slack
A year ago we created a slack bot but we where never happy with it.
So we spent some time in the workshop and created a new one, as a very lightway version
of our web interface.
We also have an irc bot, but people can make whatever bot they want with our api.
The api is really becomming better and better and happily runs
Firo Solutions slack bot options
Import api key
List the name of my watchers
Mark all vulnerabilities as solved
List amount of solved and unsolved vulnerabilities per watcher
Nice easteregg we added where you can search for vulnerabilities
So we wanted it to make it as easy as possible so all you need is your api key.
And then to load the apikey you just type /loadapikey followed by your api key.
You can find your api key over at
we also added a nice button on the /profile page so with one click of a button
you can install the bot in to your slack space.
slack rss subscribe
Did you know you can import rss feeds in to slack?
well we did not know that :)
/feed subscribe
/feed subscribe
Build your own bots with our api: