Skunks Around The Cookie Factory
Years ago, I used to work second shift at a cookie factory, The Moravian Cookie Factory, to be exact, and almost every night before I left work, someone would claim to have seen a skunk or two outside of the building. This frightened me when I first heard it, because I had never seen a real live skunk before, and because I was scared of getting sprayed by one.
It was weeks before I finally saw a skunk outside of the building. A co-worker of mine called me over to the door one day and told me to look out the window on the door--and there he was, a big, fat skunk with two white stripes down his back. I guess he liked the smell of the cookies that were baking, because he was waiting right outside the door as if he wanted to be fed.
I didn't see another one after that night, but after only a few more weeks, I quit that job, because I just didn't want to take any chances of running in to Pepe Le Pew one night while walking out to my car.