The impact of sensitive skin and tips to overcome it
Using skin care products, including proper face soap is an important step to caring for sensitive skin. Choosing a face soap for sensitive skin is not easy. Because if the wrong choice, the skin may experience irritation.
A survey shows that at least 50% of women feel they have experienced signs of sensitive skin. Characterized, among others, by skin that is easy to experience redness, burning, itching, prone to acne, dryness, and peeling when using certain beauty products.
The appearance of complaints on sensitive skin can be triggered by several things such as:
Temperature, either hot or cold
Pollution, such as dust and smoke
Hormonal changes
However, each person has a different degree of sensitivity to such provoking factors.
Those who have dry skin, often experience symptoms due to sensitive skin. This is common with age, because after entering the age of 20, skin moisture will indeed begin to decline. When the skin is dry, the protective layer on the skin will be thinned so that the skin becomes more sensitive. In addition, certain skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema, psoriasis, and acne can also cause the skin to become sensitive.
If you have sensitive skin characteristics, you can try some of the following skin care tips to help overcome the complaints you experience.
How to care for Sensitive Skin
In choosing beauty products, including in choosing face soap, owners of sensitive skin should be more observant. You should use a facial cleanser that is intended for sensitive skin, so that the skin does not become dry or irritated.
Some of the things below should also be considered in doing daily care for sensitive skin.
Wash your face twice a day
To reduce irritation, owners of sensitive and oily skin can simply wash their face twice a day with a mild face soap, which is gel-based, and does not contain irritating substances. It is recommended not to use scrubs or ingredients that can stimulate exfoliation as they can aggravate the symptoms of sensitive skin.
Use moisturizer for sensitive skin
On sensitive skin it is recommended to use moisturizers, but choose soft moisturizers that do not cause the skin to become too oily. Because, dry or too oily skin conditions can cause disorders in sensitive skin. Also stay away from products containing lipoic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, and the like.
Choose care products labeled hypoallergenic
Choose a product that is labeled hypoallergenic, because the product is indeed created with a formulation that is suitable for sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic facial care products contain ingredients that are safe and do not cause irritation to sensitive skin.
Choose products without additives that can irritate
It is recommended to choose a face soap that does not contain additives such as detergents, alcohol, alpha hydroxy acids, and the like. Because, facial cleansers that contain these substances tend to irritate your sensitive skin.
Use sunscreen
When doing activities in the sun, owners of sensitive skin need to use sunscreen to prevent skin irritation. But you need to choose a sunscreen content that is safe for sensitive skin that is made from zinc and titanium.
When washing your face, it is recommended to apply face cleansing soap using your hands. After cleansing the face, rinse with warm or lukewarm water and do not overheat, then dry with a soft towel.
By living a healthy lifestyle such as not smoking, eating healthy foods, and drinking plenty of water plus Good Skin Care, Skin Health will be maintained