I'm Baaaaaack with some funny fail videos
Hi everyone!
Hope everyone is doing well with this pandemic crap. I had it back in the early fall and I had flu's worse than that. The bad part was loss of taste and smell for about 10 days after my self imposed quarantine. Made life boring unless I farted. While everyone was ducking for cover even with masks on, "I was like I can't smell anything. What's the big deal?" I am very sorry about all those people who died. Anyway, I'm back in a big way to help cheer you all up. So lets get started...
I will eventually put this up on SteemTV or whatever it's called. Forgive me, it's been awhile.
Ok Here we go...
Super Skiing Fails And Oopsies 2021 And Top 5 Fails! | Top 5 Skiing Fails of 2021 (Full) [Bob Nevin]
How about in Reverse? Its even better!
Super Skiing Fails IN REVERSE 2021 | Top 5 Skiing reversed Fails and oops of 2021 (full) [Bob Nevin]
TIMBER!!! um RUN!!!!