RE: Spending The Day With @mellisaramirez | Sixty Second Vlog
I did finally get it to load.
I live in Shanghai, but I proxy through a server in the US, and I always can stream youtube videos, and almost everything else, including anything that is mirrored on IPFS.
I have a lot of very personal videos that are less than 60 seconds, that I have kept offline for privacy reasons, still on the fence about that.
You definitely have a strong group of supporters, in real life as well as online.
My prediction for you (or someone close to you), is that eventually you will get an offer from a major marketing/ad agency or some other business looking for the exact type of content that you are capable of producing.
Perhaps this has already happened, either way, you seem to be on the right track.
When I was your age, (god I hate saying that) it was just work and party, access to affordable recording technology didn't exist back then. That was the land of commercial studios and all the dysfunctional people that go along with it, I opted out, and looking back on it, I'm glad I did.
We live in an INSANE world, and sometimes you have to keep it simple stupid, (K.I.S.S.) just to survive.
Do what you do, and don't worry too much.