Sixty Day "Guilt Free Me Time" Challenge
Honestly, I forgot that I was doing this Challenge...Welcome to my world!
I spent yesterday morning trying not to beat myself up over this truth.
Ultimately I won. I grabbed gloves and hand tools and headed outside.
It's always easier to sooth my troubled mind when my body is busy.
Here are the highlights from the past week!
Day 5 & 6 ~Old Graveyard Exploration!
Day 7. ~Comfort Food!
Day 8. ~A Final walk in the Woods!
Day 9. ~Busy Hands Quiet the Mind!
Day 10 ~A Gift Delivered!

Day 11. ~Tea and Scones With Friends!

Many of these activities will show up as posts this week... Or have links to posts by others. There has been so much going on!!
Follow along or join me on your own #sixtydaychallenge. I'm here doing it because I was inspired by @aibell...may I inspire some of you!
Hugs from Borrowed Earth Homestead...
Interested in reading more about this 60 Day Guilt-free Me Time Challenge I'm on?
~all text and images are my own unless noted

Animated Banner Created By @zord189
A nice set of hats there, I attempted to knit once...! Yer lets say i have not continued it was a tragic event haha 💯🐒
Thanks...two of the three are my creations...worn by us ladies.
I learned so long ago that I can knit and read book simultaneously if the pattern is simple.
However, I prefer to use it as a type of meditation.
Great work, I might attempt again soon haha 💯🐒
I love the lay out of your post! And think you so much for the mention! I can't wait to see what you write about next!
Thanks ma'am!
Many more to come... if i remember!