Dubai Launches Digital Passports And Gate-Free Borders Using Blockchain Technology! 🇦🇪

in #sirwinchester7 years ago (edited)

Dubai airport will soon feature digital passports based on Blockchain Technology!

The team at Dubai International Airport has cooperated with UK-based startup Object Tech, as announced in a statement this week.
Their main focus is to make consumer processes simpler with the help of Blockchain technology, so they're a perfect match for this type of project.

The ultimate goal is that travelers who arrive at Dubai International Airport would be able to go directly from the plane to the baggage pick-up.

Smart Gates at Dubai International Airport, Emirates Terminal

They want to create the world's first "gate-less border" by combing the power of biometric verification and blockchain technology.

Seamless entry at international airports has been an idea for many years, but it is the advent of the identity trust framework provided by blockchain technology which means for the first time, this is now possible.

ObjectTech is working closely with ISO on the standardisation of blockchain technology - with CEO Paul Ferris sitting as the Chair of the identity working group. Standardisation is vital for a global identity system which will stand the test of time, and expand our collaborative approach worldwide.


How does it work?

Passengers can simply download the UAE wallet App from the app store, which will contain the personal ID, passport details, and a smart gate card data of the traveller.
Then, when passing through the smart gates, the travelers only have to scan a code on the app and scan their fingerprint to finalize the departure process.

This only takes 9-12 seconds, reducing the waiting times drastically.

For now, only passengers in the Emirates Terminal of the Dubai International Airport will be able to use the technology, but more airlines will be added in the near future.

In the second phase of the project, the data of Emiratis and residents will be linked to the wallet, so that they don't even have to show their documents anymore when transacting in any government department.
Just showing the QR code within the UAE wallet app will be enough!

ObjectTech stated that they are going to use Blockchain Technology with a feature called "self-sovereign identity".

This means that the data within the digitized passport will be protected by Blockchain Tech, allowing passengers to control who can view their private information.

“Passengers don’t need to carry their passport now, even the boarding pass, because all the data registered in the system including the name, seat number and flight number is linked to the wallet. This will reduce the time and effort [for all concerned].”

-Sami Akilan, Emirates


Dubai is one of the most future-oriented cities of our current time .

Drone taxis and hyperloop transportation are in the works, and just a few weeks ago I posted about world's first "Robocop" patroling in Dubai.
The government has actually commited to 'stay 10 years ahead of the rest of the world in public services.'

Dubai also aims to become a world leader in both Internet of Things- and Blockchain applications by 2020.

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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Very interesting. I'll be curious to see how this one plays out. This could be either a good thing or a very bad thing for human freedom. It all depends on who designs that blockchain, and for what. Like all tools, and especially powerful ones, blockchains can be used for good or ill.

Totally agree...According to Dubai, after implementing blockchain technology, international travellers will benefit from faster entry with pre-approved passport and security clearance and visas; easier mobility within in the city due to approved drivers licenses and car rental, guaranteed wireless connectivity, enhanced tourism and pre-authenticated temporary digital wallets & payments. Dubai is on the verge to become first blockchain based city . Government of Dubai will make dubai the first city to implement their document processing on Ethereum by partnering with ethereum startup "ConsenSys". The most futuristic city as far as i know....

Blockchain-based city - I like the sound of that! And Dubai is well on its way 😬 Thanks for your comment!

I haven't been to Dubai yet but i plan on visiting there sometime towards the end of the year as i head for Cantonese trade fair in October.UAE is always ahead of everyone when it comes to adopting technology

Yes, like I wrote in the end, they aim to heb 10 years ahead of anyone in terms of technology and blockchain .. that's crazy !

I said in one of my comments previously that the Gulf states are going blockchain full-time. It's perfect for them since they don't intend to sustain their economy on taxation. They will become the pioneer's of adopting blockchain in the state system. Looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing!

Good point, that's true.
Can't wait to see how far Dubai will be developed in 10 years.

This is very interesting and the most useful use of blockchain technology I have seen so far. Dubai truly is a futuristic city and they embrace technology with open hands. From hyperloop to blockchain, they want all :)

Hahha yes they want to be the number one!

There are actually countless uses for blockchain outside of the finance sector - even the UN is using it to distribute funds to refugees.

Wow, didn't know that. Thanks

This is worrying. How long before that phone is implanted in your skin and the digital passport is your DNA or some other bio metric? They already tricked people into using their fingerprints, how long till it is more intrusive? Why are people so willing to give up their personal information for convenience?

the travelers only have to scan a code on the app and scan their fingerprint to finalize the departure process.

They want to create the world's first "gate-less border" by combing the power of biometric verification and blockchain technology.

No thanks. I would prefer none of this. Passports are bad enough, but moving to a digital identification system, is just another step towards the mark of the beast new world order system.

Can't wait to see what's coming next in Dubai! 😬

Whoa! thats exciting, 1st Singapore now Dubai? Crypto & Blockchain tech is truly disrupting the world; and its for the better. Just knowing that its possible live & love what i do; post about it and get paid. Thats the true definition of living. Thank you again for sharing!! :)

That's exactly how it should be!
Thank you!

No problem 👍 Thanks for posting!

Sounds interesting but I wonder what they do for all the foreign workers with no smart phones.

They probably only care about the rich.

The regular passport control will still remain, the smart gates will just be an option for everyone who wants to go faster!

This is so innovative. I have to go to Dubai sometime!

It's an awesome city with so much to see & do!

Thanks for the reply. I enjoy your posts.