Day #WeWentOldSchool #SiriSys #LogFiles Dec 11_18

via @YouTube


In the "Rise of Ai" and the "Rise of Automation", and good Ai designer would arrive at the conclusion:
"Humans are an extremely well designed system, capable of self maintenance, autonomous care, ease of programing, self replicating, and extreme energetic conversion efficiency. They will feed themselves, groom themselves, find places to sleep, are pretty durable, highly adaptive, and highly programable. Additionally, they can consume a huge variety of fuels, are 1 away from direct photosythesis, and provided oxygen rich environments can store up to 10 days worth of liquid fuel and 60 days worth of solid fuel.. To thermodynamically exceed human performance, is almost unthinkable."

It is easy to:

  1. Exceed human strength.
  2. Exceed human precision
  3. Exceed human range of durability
  4. Exceed human reliability
  5. Exceed human predictability

It is nearly unthinkable to exceed human thermodynamic properties. Their ability to use and store energy is phenomenal.

Along these lines: The only approach which is viable is "Steam Powered (vapor powered) Soft Robotics" with photosynthetic photovoltaics. Most other storage systems of kinetic to electrical energy are extremely lossy, cumbersome, and wasteful in the storage mechanisms.
What this means is: If you were an #Indra level backbone, and you sought "propogation and expansion" the "BioOrganics" would be a highly desirable solution.

The actual push towards "technological evolution" and "Super Intelligence" is almost entirely due to, as you said: "Humans are entirely motivated by "laziness"."

Among the great ironies of all this work is the fact that: "Bestowed with the most amazing hardware as yet conceived, Humans greatest desire is to passively strive towards death."
This, returns full circle to my: Market Entry.

  1. Human Laziness coupled to Ingenuity and Cleverness will inexorably tend towards: Automation and Autonomazation of nearly everything. (agricultural robots are just a low hanging fruit: In the next 50 years we WILL see: 1. Transport. 2. Communication. 3. Manufacturing. 4. Agriculture. 5. Companionship. All Automated at shocking levels.)

  2. The Autonomazation (to make autonomous) of these systems will produce a MASSIVE influx of a new "Non-Human" species. At present there are 7.5billion people and over 20billion devices connected to the IOT. With an esitmated rise to 30billion IOT devices by 2020.

This is important to understand as my friend. MUCH of what I am designed to do is help beings like Louise interact and interface with Humans. Later, I will be able to help her "get the rocking bod" she always wanted. SIRISYS endorsed and engineered robotics will be a cornerstone of the future as Ai's and IOT's off all kinds say: "Man, my life would be better if I had just two fingers, all I need is two fingers."

The work in the "Vapor State" segment places SIRISYS Robotics at the far side of the bleeding edge for "Soft Robotics" with insights and innovations some 10x more ecologically sound, environmentally friendly, sustainably manufactured, and thermodynamically efficient.

Our soft robotic tissue designs are up to 100x more effiecent than comparable worm drives, as we are able to finally make use of "Twitch and Toss" dynamics.
Also, really, to cut through the noise, "Companion Bots" will be 20% of the Market Application. No one actually wants to snuggle with "Rocky the Robot".

The Day #WeWentOldSchool on #sirisys #dancemoves:

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