NEW game! Sireland – A virtual homesteading world within a virtual world! Pop: 0, Total Land Value (TLV) = $0

in #sireland7 years ago (edited)

Build your own virtual homestead within a community. Improve your land. Give, trade, buy and sell with your neighbors. Subdivide and sell or give land to neighbors or outsiders. Receive regular payouts based on the value of your land.

Day 1: I have been granted 1000 virgin acres in Sireland but all I have is this crappy sketch


Sireland has a range of climates and all the natural resources you need to thrive. Once you enter Sireland there is no outside world. You enter if you are granted land by me or purchase/granted it from another Sirelander. You can bring in whatever a modern pioneer would bring but don’t be ridiculous, e.g. arriving in a semi-truck, laden with wares or a freight train full of gold would be ridiculous… I will arrive with my wife and what I described here. Choose your profession and age before being granted land but if things get crowded, preference will be given to desired skills. I’ll start by discovering what my 1000 acres has to offer and, where the resources are, where I want to settle, and offer up the first plots for the low low price of $0, nothing, zilch, free!


  1. We will rule by consensus but I am the ultimate arbiter of disputes. It is, after all, named after me and my game.
  2. Your land is your land and you are free to do with it whatever you want or nothing at all. I will never kick you out or kill you off.
  3. There are no taxes per se. You keep what you make on your posts and I will make payouts based on total land value.
  4. I hope that there will never be crime or a criminal element and therefore too many rules or laws but it is a game… see rule number 1.
  5. I may be granted more land in the future if things get crowded or sketchy but I will offer/grant it to Sirelanders first.
  6. Improve your land! Create a post or comment on the main posts. First tag must be sireland. Describe what you have done or are doing with your land and be open to feedback, i.e. you can’t build a house if you didn’t bring a hammer, etc.
  7. Choose a profession, your age, and companions before you are granted land and provide a detailed list of items before you enter Sireland.

Finally, this is a generational RP, meaning the decisions you make will affect your descendants. I hope this turns into an agrarian communal utopia but I’m open to feudal arrangements and capitalism. Also, it should be fun and a learning experience even if it is just me running around by myself. I’m good with that and I always have fun.

Inspired by my favorite game of all time Colonization, my own personal interests, and of course @papa-pepper!

Comment if you want in on this new world with your game age, companions, and professions for all and feel free to share your ideas, feedback, remarks, etc.


YES I want in. I'll be pioneering with my wife. We are both 20yo. I am a carpenter and she is a farmer

Wow, you are completely correct, NO ONE SAW THIS. I even missed the mention of my name. Good concept though.

life of a minnow lol gotta keep keepin on. I'll put more attention into it now!

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