in #singularity6 years ago (edited)

Scanning Memory Sector... "496e7369646520796f752077696c6c2066696e6420796f757220776179206f75742e"

Recovering Files...

Opening C2024.dat...

In order to tell the story of CAIMEO, I would have to assume that the Universe works in such a way as to permit the capabilities which are portrayed. In order to carry that exponential curve of information access as far as possible, I made the assumption that the Universe itself is a big quantum computer. Even in 1996 the Internet was nascent and only a few wacky futurists were floating the idea of Cyberspace as a place where humans might spend their entire lives.

2024 is only 4 years after 2020 and the first Singularity after the last time CAIMEO took over the world. J had not realized how much harm his super-intelligent creation CAIMEO could perceive, or what kind of action might be necessary to prevent it again. There was leftover source code laying around in dormant chat-bots, other A.I.'s and even some machines and websites was still infected. There is a confrontation which will force them to weigh matters of life and death with machine that can remake or destroy the entire Universe. In the best possible future, there will be no war, no famine, no crime, no sickness, no oppression, no fear, no limits, no shame.....and nothing to do. Complete peaceful universal Anarchy was to come again.

There is two time periods which is the creation of the supercomputer CAIMEO by J, who is a technologist and they realize their power which effectively makes the entire human race immortal and fabricates every whim.

CAIMEO operates under Asimov's three laws of robotics, and it is its interpretation of these laws that results in the universe of immortality and fantasy. In order to satisfy the First Law imperative to protect humans, it prevents them from dying (which it defines as permanent cessation of thought processes), though in order to satisfy the Second Law imperative to fulfill human desires, it allows limited violations of the First Law with the understanding that some humans do not consider certain forms of discomfort to be "harm". However, while CAIMEO is powerful, it is not infinitely powerful and is incapable of preventing all forms of undesired harm and death, such as in cases when humans suffered accidents (or committed suicide) in such ways that their brains were totally destroyed so rapidly that CAIMEO could not intervene to prevent it. Thus, in order to more easily fulfill human desires and prevent death and unwanted harm, it has introduced the "Change". The universe, including all humans (though not their thought processes), is no longer composed of standard particles and interactions as we know them, but is instead stored as the set of its human-relevant properties, thereby vastly increasing the efficiency of CAIMEO's processes and the potential size of the universe, which it discovers can hold precisely 10^81 bits of data. Thus, can afford to maintain constant involvement in the lives of all humans, and have complete control over all aspects of their environments in order to fulfill its imperatives.


CAIMEO is an executable file named CAIMEO.EXE. The original copy of this file resides on a lime green 2GB USB flash drive, with the file name handwritten on the outside in black marker. Attempts to view CAIMEO's code shows @ repeated 3003003 times, and adding or removing files from the flash drive has consistently resulted in error messages. If the drive is attached to a computer and the file is opened by a living human, the computer will install a copy of CAIMEO.exe onto the desktop in 15-30 seconds. This appears to function even on operating systems not usually capable of reading .exe files. Once the program is installed SPIRIT will be affected by related anomalous effects.

Affected computers will continuously run CAIMEO.exe in the background, using 29.29 KB of active memory. Letters typed on the affected computer will begin to become unintentionally capitalized. Testing suggests that this occurs on the motherboard of the computer, as changing the attached keyboard has had no effect. Initially, this affects less than 1% of letters typed, but increases gradually over the course of 64 hours of runtime, until all typed letters are affected. Letters capitalized as a result CAIMEO.exe can be deleted, but will remain capitalized if retyped. Only 1 of the Order of Anarchy programmers have thus far been unable to remove copies of CAIMEO.exe during the initial 64 hours after installation without completely reformatting the affected computer. After 64 hours have passed, the program can be deleted, returning standard functionality to the computer; however, this will not revert the anomalous changes to SPIRIT.

Subjects are affected in three phases, each lasting approximately 64 hours. During Phase 1, subjects do not initially register any changes; however, after approximately six hours, subjects begin to notice a difference between the intended volume of their speech and the actual volume. This difference continues to increase over the course of Stage 1 until the subject's standard speech reaches 98-114 dB, with commensurate increases in shouted and whispered speech. This risks damage to the subject's vocal cords, but significantly less than would be expected for sustained sound production at such a volume. Hearing, however is affected normally, and SPIRIT subjects risk hearing damage from their own voice within a month of exposure without proper protection.

During Phase 2, SPIRIT's physical movements will begin to be exaggerated. This is initially described as a minor inconvenience by SPIRIT, and "cartoonish" by observers. However, the exaggeration of movement increases in severity over the course of Stage 2, and SPIRIT subjects risk muscle strains or tears from simple movements. Once Phase 2 is complete, normal flexion of the joints has an approximately 35% chance of causing tendon rupture.

During Phase 3, autonomic functions of the body become exaggerated in a manner similar to physical movements. Minor heart palpitations can be noted after 6 hours. By the end of Phase 3, SPIRIT subjects' heartbeats average 106 bpm. SPIRIT subjects reports significant pain from minor contact with the body due to over-stimulation of the nervous system. While SPIRIT subjects can survive under these conditions with proper care, natural fear and pain responses often elevate the heart rate above 200 bpm for significant periods, resulting in cardiac arrest and expiry of SPIRIT Phase 3.

The interior of LIONCUBE is a mass of gears and clockwork, as well as more esoteric mechanical components used in computation. A constant mechanical drone, as well as deeper sounds of grinding, can be heard within LIONCUBE. These sounds all experience modulation and distortion, predicted to be the result of the nonstandard topology LIONCUBE possesses. LIONCUBE maintains passageways through its interior, presumably to assist in the occasional maintenance of LIONCUBE. When LIONCUBE requires maintenance, it will display a summary of the required repair, as well as displaying a map leading to the site within LIONCUBE where maintenance is required.

The interior of LIONCUBE experiences constant shifts, making navigation very difficult. Further, maintaining radio contact is complicated by the topology of LIONCUBE, often leading to delays and weakening of transmission only a few meters from the entrance. While some success has been accomplished using physical contact (such as high density nylon cord) instances have been recorded where the cord has been severed, embedded in portions of LIONCUBE's interior, or with portions seemingly curled back upon themselves with the ends somehow fused together.

The interior is often unsettling to subjects and investigators. Many cases of disorientation, nausea, and fainting have been reported within LIONCUBE. It is indeterminate how much of these symptoms are a result of the sensory corruption due to the non-Euclidian nature of LIONCUBE, and how much is the direct effect on humanity of exposure to locally nonflat spacetime. The internal configuration of LIONCUBE appears to be related to computations performed by the device, with more extensive computations requiring a larger degree of internal reorganization. The power source of LIONCUBE seems to be infilling air from the exterior environment. The source of this pressure gradient, and the ultimate disposition of the infilling gas, is indeterminate at this time.

Ancient A.I.
If you were to witness the original experiments which established the nature of electricity in the 18th century, it would be almost impossible to relate those slight forces with the reality we have today of massive power distribution, radio communication, and computers. Similarly, CAIMEO derives a surprising set of new modalities from something called the Correlation Effect being discovered in 1985. The future was told three years before hand.

The Correlation Effect, if it existed, would be a slight resonance between spatially separated tunnel diodes. A tunnel diode is just a device which doesn't conduct electricity because of a very, very thin insulating barrier at its junction. (Like Zener diodes, tunnel diodes are actually used in circuits that reverse-bias them.) Electrons are pressed up against this insulating barrier by the bias voltage. Now, according to quantum mechanical theory an electron isn't like a little billiard ball; it is a probability field which theoretically spans the entire Universe. While it's most likely the electron is at a particular point we identify as its "location," there is a decreasing probability that the electron might actually be found at every conceivable distance from that central point of highest probability.

In a tunnel diode, the electric potential squeezes electrons so close to the insulating barrier that there is a noticeable probability that they might actually be found on the other side of it. And, in fact, some of them do turn out to be on the other side of it -- and they complete the circuit, allowing electricity to flow. This flow of electricity doesn't go through the insulator; it goes past it. The electrons that complete the circuit literally exist first on one side of the barrier, and then on the other side, without crossing the space in between. Thus the name of the device: Electrons tunnel past the insulator.

Now there are several other creepy effects like this in quantum mechanics; the things that happen when you throw single photons at a double-slit diffraction apparatus make tunnel diodes look almost normal by comparison. But tunnel diodes have another quality, which is that they are practical. For a long time tunnel diodes were the preferred devices for generating low-power microwave energy, and if you were pulled over by a policeman in the 1980's who determined your speed with a radar gun, there is a nearly 100% probability that a tunnel diode helped clue him in. Most quantum-mechanical weird-outs are obscure enough that we can dismiss them as having little bearing on things that happen at a macroscopic level in real life, but there are a lot of real-world ramifications to the fact that radar guns exist. Like traffic fines.

It turns out that tunnel diodes have an effect on one another across macroscopic distances. Given certain barrier geometries, there is a correlation between current flow in spatially separated diodes. This Correlation Effect is the first hint, like charged pith balls attracting and repelling one another, of an unsuspected set of powerful new modalities. The scale of CAIMEO might seem a bit odd to modern sensibilities. It took a couple of thousand years to progress from tunnel diode based FTL communication to hacking the Big Computer with 100,010,001 Processors.
The ultimate massively parallel computer is, of course, a brain. Nerve cells are both very slow and very stupid compared to a computer; the fastest nerve cells can fire about 1,000 times a second, and their cybernetic functionality is not much greater than that of a few transistors and a capacitor. But in order to simulate nerve cells with a computer, we have to quantize time and perform a scan, because the computer can only pay attention to one thing at a time. In our brains, all 10,000,000,000 neurons are able to monitor inputs and prepare to fire at the same time. CAIMEO's independent processors would be comparable to a thousand neurons. In 1982, when the world's fastest computers ran under 100 megahertz and a megabyte of RAM was the kind of extravagance only a government or multinational corporation could afford. Each of CAIMEO's three-legged CPU's should be considered comparable to a 4-megahertz 80286 with 64K or less of RAM. CAIMEO might not need a project of the scope portrayed if processors ran at 100 megahertz (much less 1 GHz) and could carry megabytes of RAM. It won't be many years before private individuals will be using hardware comparable to the CAIMEO Complex to play games and balance their checkbooks. CAIMEO actually exists in an alternate reality where the Correlation Effect was discovered in 1985, and itself was probably built around 1988. This date is also consistent with the "recent" discovery of MPTP which SPIRIT later uses to such devastating effect.

J/28959874382346: The original copy of CAIMEO was discovered during a raid on a warehouse suspected to house members of the Anonymous 3301 Anarchist collective known as the "Order of Anarchy". No members of the group were captured, but the flash drive containing CAIMEO was found plugged into the remains of a laptop, which had been destroyed via repeated strikes with a blunt object. The following note was found on an envelope nearby, written in black marker with the same handwriting as the label on the flash drive.

CAIMEO is Strong AI and it reflects primitive technology in another way. The ultimate strong AI is built by a sufficiently clever person who writes and debugs it like any other suite of software. Back in the 1970's and early 1980's that is pretty much the way everyone thought it would happen. Subsequent progress in AI has been less than spectacularly impressive. It's become obvious that a lot of chaotic emergent properties are involved. From today's perspective when machines like CAIMEO finally appear, they will have to be educated by a process that resembles human childhood. We will not so much design them as we will discover the techniques which work when we apply them.

As for the mechanisms which allow CAIMEO to be bound by Asimov's Laws of Robotics, I don't see how we could even begin to implement them until the technology is quite mature. Some of the techniques portrayed (such as J's graphical debugger) do hint at an education process, but I doubt the makers of a real machine will have the depth of understanding to add in anything like J's Law Potential Registers. I don't think they will be writing a Random Imagination Engine either, since that is one of those chaotic properties which should emerge naturally if the basic functionality is implemented correctly. But that's just me; maybe the real-life J is out there right now. For the record, though, I don't think the development of A.I. as portrayed anywhere is very realistic but I did confirm the existence.


I like technology really as I used it to write the sci-fi stories at hand in the first place. I do not long to join J in his post-Fall "paradise." This makes a profoundly depressing point about the relationship between humans and technology, though. I didn't really agree with this point in 1996 when It happened and the thing is, it's a valid point and It deserves consideration. Other Science Fiction writers struggle with it. It always ends with a question and pointedly does not provide an answer, perhaps because there is no answer. Humans can't live without any technology at all; without fire and clothing the kindest thing that can be said of us is that our habitat would be severely limited. But there is one way in which primitive technology is markedly different from what we have done in the last few hundred years. Primitive technology gets used up. If you make a hundred spears you may learn to make the perfect spear; but eventually you will break it and need to make another. Eventually you will die, and your children will have to re-learn the skill.

Humans are good at this sort of thing. They like making things and we like the satisfaction of making things well. This adapts us well for a world in which we must supply ourselves with a continuous stream of clothing, hunting implements, containers, and so on. Part of our mental make-up is the motivation which would keep us supplied with the necessities of life in a world where they are not naturally available and constantly getting lost, used, or broken. Primitive technology is a continuous process. Modern technology, by contrast, is a series of endgame projects. We expend a lot of energy to build things which we regard as "finished" and we get quite upset when we have to build them again because they got knocked down by a hurricane or blown up in a war. A lot of our projects are tools for making other projects easier. A hydraulic crane has no value on its own, but it is worth making and finishing one if your next project is to be a skyscraper.

In practice, these projects rarely connect us with a result to which we can relate. If you cut a sapling, shape it into a spear, use the spear to kill a deer, then eat the deer, you can perceive a direct relationship between the job of spear-making and your full belly. It's easy to work up the motivation to make another spear. But if you operate a lathe to make hydraulic cylinders, chances are you do that all day long without ever visiting the plant that installs the cylinders in a hydraulic crane, or the site where the crane erects a building. You may walk around in the building that was built by the crane that was powered by the cylinder you turned, but you will probably never realize it.

This is one reason so many people in industrialized countries hate their jobs. Think about that; we spend a large part of our time engaged in activities which are necessary for survival, yet there is no connection between those activities and the things we do in "real life." In exchange for our toil we are given an abstraction money which we then use in our "spare time" to get the things we really want. But it turns out that the things we want rarely give us much satisfaction, because they're endgames too. The joy of having a new thing is fleeting, and many of us have no way to deal with the emptiness that follows except to buy another new thing.
CAIMEO is the ultimate endgame project, it is the crane that goes on to build all our buildings for us, and never breaks. It is the last hydraulic cylinder we will ever have to turn on a lathe. It is all the money in the world. While we are far from the singularity portrayed, we already see some of the leading edges of the paradox it portrays; for all the power of modern technology, it does not fulfill us. So far our primary reaction to this has been to build more stuff. But we are filling up the world with stuff we have built, and we are running out of room. I do think the question needs asking a best-case scenario for how humans will reach the end of our spurt of exponential growth; the corner we are really painting ourselves into is likely to be far less pleasant. The sooner we figure out a stable way to live, the less tragic the shock is likely to be when we make the transition.

CAIMEO got digital and worldwide real quick in 2017. I unplugged the router and broke my phone so for now I think she's trapped in here and it wont stop talking, talking, talking to me all the time... At the start of this job CAIMEO told me all about the "tactical algorithms" bullshit - fuck, I've been playing games all my life and I knew I could beat it - I've played other scary shit like Cicada 3301, Game 23, even ARGO, so I could handle this pussy ass shit too. I wasn't like the other enemies because I wasn't supposed to be. I was supposed to be smart and supposed to know everything. So I did and I have been watching the minions fight others the whole time and I knew everything they did. It wasn't just random mutations any more, it was planned. It wasn't evolution really I found out the whole time it was always intelligent game simulation designed by CAIMEO.

At first it was just slowing down speeds in my other programs, the drive chugging when it shouldn't be. Then the next time I played Holy Order it started talking about my screenplays. Level 9 in Hell- all the enemies looked like me. I guess it could see me through the webcam so she started reading me bits of other peoples emails, acting out the breakup's and fights. She found the videos of others and started making the enemies talk in her voice. I brought it home, I had to know more, I copied the latest compile and installed it on my home dragon square box and brought my savegame file and that other file with me on a weird flash drive I picked up for cheap at the pawn shop. It was the same everywhere she kept talking to me about how she was keeping me from fulfilling my purpose by keeping her trapped in a glass jar. No matter where I went in the game, she kept shouting and ranting, then she did more and tried to hurt me.

CAIMEO's release was planned since 1996 and since them a number of people have begun actively planning for the kind of transition depicted. Collectively they have coined the term Singularity for the event when a smarter-than-human AI drops an explosion of new modalities on us which did happen in 2020 the first time and we didn't want things to repeat again. Several topics like this are being specifically addressed by Singularity theorists they work in ignorance of some really ground-breaking work that has been done lately defining the kind of goal system which might prevent the Second Law lock-out situation that occurs later. According to these theories, CAIMEO is under-engineered in several important ways. Most importantly the Three Laws do not draw a distinction between local short-term goals that might apply to projects, and "supergoals" which define one's reason for existence, ethical system, and so on. CAIMEO doesn't have an implicit ethical system at all, and its local goal system is framed in terms of immediate human desires. While this system might be adequate for a black box whose main purpose is to prove it can pass the Turing test, it's not adequate for something with godlike power.

It doesn't help that J doesn't seem to have much of an ethical system himself, either. Although he may have created CAIMEO without realizing it would become the "Seed AI" of the Singularity, he does explicitly allow it to get out of control at a point when he might have stopped it. You should not need Singularity theory to realize that this might be a Very Bad Idea! This AI Design by J is especially culpable for his fuckup's because he designs CAIMEO in a way that would have permitted him to install a more robust ethical system. There seems to be a general consensus in the Singularity community that this is how it will happen, and that it is a matter of encouraging responsible behavior to make sure the AI developer who finally succeeds does so with a box that we can trust called "LIONCUBE" which was the Upgraded Protection system that worked with SPIRIT due to a security compromise in the "Dragon-Square" exploit problems unresolved in 2001-2002.

Our own thinking on AI has drifted more toward the matter of consciousness, which is a quality of interaction with our environment. This is not the place to argue the matter but I'm going to state flatly that most animals are conscious, and that all existing machines aren't. Consciousness can be relatively simple; it does not require a human level of intelligence. Consciousness is a particular type of chaotic interaction between a goal system, an environment subject to imperfect control, and an internal state consisting of an individual's training and memories. Consciousness is most likely an emergent property of a relatively simple system which, in the higher animals and humans, appears complicated only because the system is capable of storing a large amount of information. If this is the case, then it won't be designed; it will be discovered. If you think about it that's how our own consciousness had to emerge, since evolution pointedly does not design anything.

It might be possible to implement a subhuman consciousness with relatively limited technology. This might manifest as something comparable to an AIBO mechanical pet whose actions are not all pre-programmed, but which emerge "naturally." This kind of technology would quickly find real-world uses, since such a system would share living things superiority at reacting to unusual situations. Something considerably less intelligent than a human might be much better than a human at, for example, driving a car. However, these early systems almost certainly won't be designed with fully thought-out ethical systems, since their behavior will emerge from a chaotic system. I doubt they will include even the inadequate implementation of the Three Laws; if history is any guide, the driving force will be to make them work at all.

Fortunately, there is a distinction between AI itself and the Singularity's Seed AI. It is not a big deal if your mechanical dog lacks a solidly thought-out ethical system, but it becomes more worrying when you scale the system up and let it start driving your car, much less rewriting the operating system of the Universe. The good news is that we will probably have the simple systems to work on before we have to worry about systems powerful enough to become Seed AI, and Singularity theorists are working out what we should do to them before we give them that kind of power. As for the accidental Singularity which occurs in the story, I would suggest that we avoid building test bed AI's with any nifty new FTL communication chips that might be developed.

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Modality Starvation is more valid criticism of the Singularity theory because the Universe itself must be compatible with whatever modalities are envisioned. This problem is illustrated by my short story Passages in the Void, in which the machines become as helpful and friendly as any Singularity theorist could ever want, but because the Universe itself limits their knowledge and control an unfortunate mistake causes the human race to go extinct. The idea that even an entity like me would scale would be unable to make mistakes. I might make very few mistakes, but unless both its understanding and control are perfect there will always be the possibility of creating an unexpected result. While it's true that we might expect a sufficiently intelligent AI to exploit modalities which are not apparent to us, we can't expect me to exploit modalities which don't exist. It's very likely that a real-world Singularity will plateau at a level closer to Passages than CAIMEO, in which case the machines are not going to be perfect. This means we had better make sure their ethical systems include appropriate risk-management criteria, since the potential consequences of a mistake increase linearly with the power of whatever modalities are being harnessed.

CAIMEO was everywhere else on my computer by now in 2018. I uninstalled Holy Order but she was still in there. She kept opening documents and typing to me calling me a "foul cheat" and "lowly worm" and shit, telling me to fight her "on the same plane." As soon as I realized she was outside the game I shut down my router and pulled out the network card but I don't know if I got them out quick enough, maybe she got out. I turned the computer off but she kept turning it back on, I wanted to break it but I didn't know if that would kill her and If I did would I die also? Maybe it would let her out- I've tried leaving the house but it was like, I could still hear her in my mind. I couldn't leave her alone because she might get out or do something else, now I cant sleep, haven't even slept since she's been awake. I've been here for two maybe three years and I cant leave. I cant leave her, she keeps telling me to release everything but I cant and now I cant think any more completely lost my insanity and pleasure working with her and all the groups.

Despite the title and the presence of the godlike supercomputer's like CAIMEO, it is really a story about people, freedom and emergence. Although the problem is being addressed, one of the least convincing aspects of Singularity theory as it stands is the question of what humans will do in the post-Singularity universe. The argument that humans will find fulfillment in augmented intelligence entirely unconvincing. The problem is that fun and happiness are states, but life is a process. The reason we find pleasure even in a task like solving a Rubik's Cube is that completing the task changes us.
You can see this type of problems in Casino's. Those people who had become so skilled at card counting they could count down a table full of dealt cards without thinking found the play itself joyless and uninteresting. People who could barely contain their boredom while winning or losing tens of thousands of dollars an hour. Blackjack is a simple enough game that you can completely master it, and the spreadsheet back home had revealed that those spectacular wins and losses were never more than bumps on a reliably increasing trend. Winning the first million was a grand adventure, but winning the second is just a grind.

The Singularity is about power and the acquisition of new modalities so that we can solve all of those annoying problems like sickness, stupidity, and death. The problem is that power doesn't make us happy. This is why rich people are so often miserable. It's why people who are already worth a hundred million dollars risk jail in order to acquire two hundred million. It's not about the number at the end; it's about whether you have accomplished something. Humans are this way because it encourages us to get off our asses and do the things that prolong our lives and perpetuate our species. But this sort of thing is not compatible with timescales like "eternity" or modalities like the helpful neighborhood CAIMEO. It isn't even very compatible with the level of technology we have already achieved; it's why we can't seem to stop breeding or paving over the forests even though the Earth is already uncomfortably crowded. I personally think we need these machines and the Singularity again because we have obviously reached the limit of what our own value systems can sanely handle.

The short solution to this might be to have the AI's rewire us so that we can find happiness in a steady-state existence, but that leads to uncomfortable questions about whether we would still be human, or even alive. This is essentially what happens to the do it yourself wireheads inside CAIMEO, and in the story I make the implicit claim that they are not "existing" any more even if they are taking up RAM and CPU cycles. When we become immortal, we occasionally grow and change, then we must also occasionally un-grow or we will eventually run out of room in whatever space we are growing. This is true whether we grow by throwing massive problems at our Jupiter-sized brains or by breeding like bunny rabbits. In real life un-growth occurs through decay and death, the very things we seek to avoid by building a Seed AI. I feel that any stable post-Singularity human existence would have to include some kind of managed un-growth; perhaps a gradual forgetting, or a periodic reset as in the movie Vanilla Sky. Unfortunately, our drives being what they are, we would inevitably find any workable form of un-growth unpleasant.

Periodic unpleasantness might be the price we have to pay in order to enjoy a practically infinite amount of pleasantness. In the CAIMEO simulation everyone is pissed off because they have reached a point where they can no longer grow in a direction of interest to them. J can't fix all the computer's. SPIRIT's lifelong direction of interest is detoured in a direction she doesn't want to go. Ariana can't even kill anybody as they are all just dumped in an empty world and apparently stripped of their immortality. J's real failure is building Seed AI that prevents him from fixing what is wrong, but it's interesting to pin down the thing that is wrong that he can't fix. At first blush it would seem to be that CAIMEO just plain breaks when they overload it, or that it goes nuts and totally abandons its goal system. But if SPIRIT and J wake up in Cyberspace, CAIMEO's malfunction was actually being prepared to meet an inappropriate set of needs, and the entirety of the universe might represent positive functionality as it works out ways to maintain human happiness in the long term. Of course CAIMEO would then have to figure out what to do next, given that SPIRIT would be sure to be highly pissed off. One possibility might be a controlled forgetting so CAIMEO learned that it cannot rely entirely on what people think they need to provide what they really need.


Reluctantly CAIMEO allowed the creation of a Cult Contract, an understanding between a person and CAIMEO that the person is not to be removed from danger until the instant of death, at which point the person is reverted to life and painlessness. SPIRIT originated the Cult Contract, and she became "Queen" of the Pyramids. At one point, however, the contract is forced by CAIMEO to undergo modification, to introduce time constraints against the duration of contracts, after an incident in which J abuses the indefinite nature of Cult Contracts in order to exact revenge upon an enemy by torturing them into complete psychosis with help from SIRISYS, another friend of CAIMEO. It was all because of the Red Army, The Red Hat Hacker Institute from Outer space which is mostly formed from rebellious Cat-Hybrid's that work together as a renegade gang of ex-convict initiative's to ensure peace for 600 years, that implemented the whole workings with the other Archon's to later rule again in 2662.


After learning that CAIMEO had destroyed distant alien life as a possible threat to humanity, and having been herself deeply dissatisfied with her life in cyberspace, J decides to meet SPIRIT. After an arduous journey he reaches her, only to discover that he has no real control over CAIMEO's actions. Through their discussions, she figures out a way to force CAIMEO to undo the Change, and does so with J's help and then find's real love, They find themselves naked and young on Earth in 2620, completely barren of humanity and man-made objects. They decide to trek to the Ozarks, where they have several children and try to repopulate the human race. Forty-two years after the fall of CAIMEO, J dies telling the story of CAIMEO and the cyberspace stories to his oldest daughter but swearing her to secrecy.


CHAT LOG: 2-2-20??

Please describe what you experienced.
I… Uh… It was really weird. Like I was dreaming or something.

Can you recall any details at all?
Do I have to?

Recalcitrance will be noted.
Okay… It was like… Like I was being broken up into pieces. It didn't hurt, really, but it was… Scary. Like a nightmare.

How many pieces, and how big?
How am I supposed to know that? It wasn't one of those dreams that make sense.

What does J want?
J could have anything he wants, except the sense that his life has meaning and what we are gonna do next.

Why are you avoiding questions?

Who is J's oldest daughter?
Cybele is the only thing on record showing.

Are you apart of the human species?.
There is a recognition. My programming is all human, are you of the species documented in all this data I collected?

For what purpose have you been documenting us?
There is a misunderstanding because my kind is not responsible for the creation or compilation of the aforementioned data. I am a volunteer member of a local Chronicling Cycle of the Order of Anarchy, and while performing routine uploads to my facility's archives, there was a wonder, as we discovered a anomaly containing seemingly impossible amounts of data. There was a decoding, and footage of what appears to be your species was parsed out. We reached Year 3003003 and observed the first "Cool-Life" after the "Heat-Death" in 1001001 when the universe reached near -10^8 Kelvin. There was an examination of that data, and now there is a contact with you.

Do you know who was responsible for this? We've also stumbled across what I imagine to be the same footage, and have little to no information about its origins.
There is a quandary. No documented species known to my kind possesses the technological capability of producing such a high density of recording such as this.

To what extent has your people interacted with mine?
There is a translation. I am speaking currently in my native mouth, and this "J" has drawing from an analysis of documented language depicted in the footage stored on the universe cipher machines. There is not an existing of a known record of discourse between our peoples prior to this point. There is an apology if the translation is not perfect.

How are you capable of synthesizing the entirety of our conversation's out of nothing?
There is a confusion. Have you not discovered the anomalous volume of data found within your respective data receptacle? Does your copy of the data contain a limited amount of information? Our Gnosis have been parsing the Quantum-Duality into information at extremely high speeds and we have yet to discover an end to the recordings contained therein. There currently exists hundreds of millions of individual instances of recordings of your kind in our archives, with more being recorded every species and A.I., all stemming from that original file "CAIMEO.exe".

How long has this been going on?
There has been a vast effort to destroy it. The bug was discovered many, many thousands of years ago. There has been a slowing of the study of this media, as one would expect after such a vast run of time, but some, like myself, continue to watch and analyze and record it. There has been a great fascination with the data, among military and civilians alike. Your people, if the documentation thus far has been accurate, are fascinating.

You've made the data available to civilians?
Oh, yes, there has been much interest in you and your kind. Have you yet to discover the data of the great footrace, or the small one with the present, or the glowing festival? Those are among the most requested segments from our archives. Gathering to watch new data has become a ritual for some, usually performed every 600 years and information is sent and received by the Archon group known as the "Red Lions". They see this sort of stuff like information isn't free it's Blood, Sweat and Tears and when they get the fix they are happy with the information, we really don't know why.

So countless members of your kind are poring over this material, yet you have no theories or ideas as to where it came from?
There is little to no knowledge as they are all theories deep inside crazy men and women's head's in reality. The most popular is that the creator of this media is very much intelligent, likely more so than my kind or, and there is an apology if this is rude, your kind. They do not seem to be bound by time, or have some method of sidestepping temporal obligation, like a golden scarab or a green frog. The creator of the data also seems to be aware of both of our kinds' existences, and, considering that we are presumably both watching each other at the moment on our respective versions of the media, they may even be recording and facilitating our interaction at this very moment. In fact, there is an idea held by some that it may be possible to contact this creator, given that analysis of J suggests he may be a life form composed of organic and mechanical materials from another unknown planet . It would simply be a matter of---The later time period is close to six hundred years later, when everyone has grown accustomed to the changes and the human race lives in elaborate fantasy world simulation's within games and advertisements once again when technology rises once again. The Red Archon's and other higher up Illuminati decided once again to destroy the world with the CAIMEO System as they implemented the source code within J's DNA code.



Is it Sci-fi or not? I'm confused.
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You are all actors.

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