Like the Ambanis, we love hosting house parties (if they have a cool theme like Game of Thrones, even better) and it seems we now have ‘note’worthy company half-way across the world. New Rules singer Dua Lipa has picked peak party season to throw open her home to guests for the very first time, with a merry bash on December 25, 2017. The hot hitmaker splashed out on her first property in London only recently and wasted no time in setting up the place, so she could celebrate the season with her dearest friends and family.
“First home. First… (tree) here. Feeling very grown up, although this adult baby-grow that I got in a goody bag somewhere tells me otherwise… Happy holidays my loves,” Dua posted, alongside this picture (above) of her sitting on a leather sofa, rocking a onesie in her new living room; complete with an ornamented evergreen in the corner.
We have no doubt the beautiful brunette hosted a fab party (we were super-impressed to learn she cooked the traditional roast turkey dinner herself), but there’s something we loved more than her skills as a hostess this December. Before the month had even begun, a fan asked on Twitter: “Do u reckon Dua Lipa has any rules about how to get through December without going bankrupt cuz I wanna get prepared,” to which the sharp singer replied:
"1. Throw away your calendar
Break up with him so it’s one less gift
Marry the Grinch”
There’s no better way to unwind than with a good laugh and with her sense of humour, Dua Lipa clearly has that covered!