I can resist everything except temptation. (Oscar Wilde)
What's up with you and your temptations? Are you having the power to resist temptation, or do you fall whenever something shows up at your door? I have added a picture of some cakes here as an illustration, and for many people, food and drinks might be the biggest challenge they face. I know it myself, it can be a big struggle to eat healthy and to drink stuff that is good for your body.
For others, temptations might be about tricking with their taxes, doing illegal activities, or maybe it has to do with your body or with the spouse of some other person?! No matter what the temptation might be, it will have an effect on you in the end!
I can resist everything except temptation. (Oscar Wilde)
OF course, the quote is meant to be funny, and it somehow is. But, it is also important to understand that the Bible speaks about how you can become a slave to sin. If you are living in sin, then sin is your master. What does it mean? If you fall into temptation, then you will feel bad, and often this will result in you regretting your actions. But, if you fall once again, then you feel bad, but you get more and more used to the fact that you fall into temptation. And then in the end, you will feel entangled by the temptations, and it is so easy to give up and just give in.
But, if you manage to stand up and resist temptation, then you will be stronger and it will make it easier to resist in the future. We all fall and give in to temptations, but the most important is to stand up, and possibly also to find someone you trust to whom you can stand accountable for your actions. If you know that you stand accountable, it will make it even worse to fall, and sometimes our pride is what will help us resist at the time of trouble!
What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts as well! I try to write daily words of encouragement, to discuss popular quotes, and to inspire and to motivate myself, and hopefully, some of my readers. Follow me for such daily writings in the future as well!
You are loading your post with lots of morality. Referring to the bible and speaking of sins, good and bad is a possible direction to think of. But let's take a step back and look at a core concept of christian faith. God created everything and everythink god creates is good. So temptation is created by god, too. And if everything is good that was created by him than temptation is good, too.
Why should it be bad to give in temptation? Your post is a bit vague at this point. I miss some deeper thoughts on the underlying basics your written thoughts stand on.