A Simple Life

in #simple5 years ago

The further we grow, the more we (my husband and I) desire a simple life. The things we pursued in the past hold little interest for us now.

We desire contact with others and daily opportunities to share the gospel, time for family and friends, and freedom from debt - not necessarily in that order.

We know the steps we need to take to get there. One is that we need to work for ourselves at our own business, which will include family in the future. Working together is good for a relationship. We enjoy working together and we started with small projects. The one with most extensive knowledge or skill is the lead on the project. If the knowledge and skill is equal, the head of the home takes the lead.

We listen to the Lord's instruction to His people: to teach our children and grandchildren throughout the day and in every circumstance about God's authority, provision, and leadership (head-ship) in our lives; to owe no man anything, except to love one another; to store up treasure in heaven, not on the earth; not to run after the pleasures of the world, but to pursue diligently the things of the Lord. These things are more easily accomplished in a simple life - attending to those things that are necessary - food, clothing and shelter.

The Lord will provide our needs and we have confidence that He will lead us in His Way. Will I quit my job tomorrow? No. That may happen when the Lord shows us it is time. We do not know His timetable. He may change the plan - will it be wasted effort? No - He knows what He is doing and He uses all of the moments in our lives to teach us and make us more like His dear Son.

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