No Tax on Tips...

I've been thinking about Tips lately, and why President Trump said there will be No Tax on Tips...

It made me think of Paper Coinage, and how it would look so much better as Tip...

Otherwise, Tip Earners would go home with a Pocket full of Coins...

If you leave Two Paper Dollars as a Tip today, you'd feel a little cheap if you leave Two Cent Tip on the other side of the Reset...

Paper Coinage might look very similar to the Paper Dollars we're using today...

Plus, it's easier to Fold an Take Home...

So, whenever I leave a Tip, I'll be using Paper Coinage...

Paper Coinage will be Dominated from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...


They will have the same Spending Power as the Fiat USD's we're using today...

Keep in mind that "We the People" are paying "Rental Fees" for every Fiat Dollar being used, all over the World...

That's going to come to a very quick end...

We the People own the Rights to all U.S. Coinage, which includes Silver Coinage, Gold Coinage, Platinum Coinage, Palladium Coinage, Paper Coinage, Common Coinage and Electronic Coinage...

There will only be "one" way to obtain Electronic Coinage, and that's with Gold...

Every time a U.S. Gold Coin is Minted, the U.S. Treasury will be "allowed" to "issue" an equal "Face Value" amount of Electronic Coinage...

The U.S. Treasury will pay $90 per Ounce of Gold, in Gold Coins, Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage or Common Coinage...

The U.S. Treasury will pay $9 per Ounce of Silver, in Silver Coins, Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage or Common Coinage...

I figure One ounce of Gold will be Minted into $100 in Gold Coins and One Ounce of Silver will be Minted into $10 in Silver Coins...

This is because the Melt Value of our Coinage must always be lower than their Face Value...



I never did buy any Bitcoin, but I did buy the Copper Bitcoin Rounds...

I use to pass them out to my Friends when I went out for a good time...

I think I bought 100 of them, and they all have the 2012 Date on them...

I'm not sure what Bitcoin was going for, back in 2012, so I'm not sure what I could have done, if I used the same amount on Bitcoin...

I sure like what's been happening with Silver and Gold lately...

Even knowing in advance how far they will go, I still like seeing it happening...

Yes, I know the final Melt Values of Silver and Gold in Phase One of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

That's "if" they Correct it the way I think they will Correct it...

I can't imagine them coming up with something better, but who knows...???

If they do come up with something better, I can't wait to see what it is...

I'm aware of a New Quantum Financial System taking Control from Space...

I figure it will be used for the Electronic Coinage I've been writing about...
Comments are always welcomed...


I keep accumulating satoshis, look at the price of BTC today and it is said that it will increase more, I hope to make profits soon

I hope you do well... Having a little Silver on the side wouldn't hurt...

Do people still made use of paper coinage like that in this present world we are, I think there have really been a massive evolution which I certainly think it will still continue

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