I think I just made an Awesome Discovery...
Get ready for what I think I may have Discovered...
I showed everyone the Rock I Found...
Now, take a peek at what I found in the Solution of Distilled White Vinegar...
Many of you have seen the "Heavy Rock" I picked up about 20 years ago and brought home with me...
Trust me, when I write that I know where I picked it up...
I decided to let it sit over night in some Distilled White Vinegar and it turned the Vinegar "Blue"...
I removed the Rock from the Vinegar and let it sit in a small glass of Distilled Water...
I removed the Rock from the Distilled Water and let it dry...
I then poured the Blue Vinegar Solution into the Distilled Water and place a piece of Metal into the Glass...
The next day, it looked as if the Piece of Metal sitting in the Solution turned Brown...
I took it out for a peek and stuck it back into the Glass...
About 5 hours ago, I noticed that the Solution turned Orange, so I took the Metal out of the Glass and set it on top of the Glass to dry...
Look what I found after the piece of metal dried, all mixed up with the Brown...
And what's that Silvery looking stuff "above" what looks like Gold Coins...???
I may as well show you the entire piece of Metal I placed in the Solution...
There's also a layer that rose above the Silvery looking layer...
Your guess is as good as mine...
Any guesses, what the Brown might be...???
Oh Wow...
I just went back to take another look at the Orange Solution in the Glass, and it appears to be loaded with the Orange Stuff on the Bottom...lol...
I'm starting to get very excited...
If I filter that out and find it's loaded with Gold, I'm going to be shocked for sure...
If all that Orange Stuff turns out to be Gold it will mean that the Rock is worth a Fortune...
At least 95% of the Rock is still in one piece...
I'm also very excited about the Silvery Stuff I see, and then there are other layers of something I can't identify at all...
Oh Boy, look what's on the other side...lol...
Looking even closer to the Brown at 40 Times, there's more of the same, just very tiny and close together...
And there's no telling what all that Orange Stuff is, still in Solution...
I'd love to know why the Solution went from Blue to Orange..
I decided to Filter the left-over Orange stuff with a Coffee Filter...
Whatever it is, it sure looks pure...
Let me know if "you" think I just hit the Jackpot...
Wow these types of rocks are actually rare to always come by I must confess. So rare to actually come by
I still don't know if I found Gold or Rust...
If I think you just won the jackpot, what I see seems like gold to me, I think you should talk to an expert person, trustworthy of course, so that you can clarify your doubts and we can celebrate
I'm in no big hurry... If it's what I think it is, it's already been lost for 170 years... What's a few more months...lol...