U.S. Currencies to be backed by Silver and Gold Coins...

in #silver2 years ago (edited)

Including Electronic Coinage, the "Face Values" of all our Coinage will "Range" from $0.0001 all the way up to a One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin...

Our Currencies will be both Physical and Electronic...

There's no Limit in how many $100 Gold Coins a Person can earn and hold...

Being Rich is nice, but even the Rich will need to use our Physical and Electronic Currencies...

Not many People will be walking around with a Pocket Full of Silver or Gold Coins...

Even Common U.S. Coinage will have plenty of Spending Power, so I won't need to carry much...

I picture many People using our Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents in the "Near Future"...

U.S. Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents have nothing to do with the Central Banks Owners "Digital Slave Units"...

Our Physical and Electronic Currencies will be in "Perfect Balance" with our "Corrected" Silver and Gold Coins...

A One Ounce, Corrected $10 Silver Coin will get me $10 in Electronic Coinage...

$10 in Electronic Coinage will get me a $10 Silver Coin...

$100 in Electronic Coinage will get me a One Ounce, Corrected $100 Gold Coin...

If it didn't work both ways, it wouldn't work at all...

As per my Monetary Vision, "We the People" will also be introducing "PAPER COINAGE"...

Paper Coinage will be Denominated in Cents, and will Range from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

They may look similar to Paper (Fiat) Dollars, but will be Denominated in Cents...

They can also be used to replace Paper (Fiat) Dollars, at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, during the Redemption Period...

In other words, Paper Dollars will be "Exchanged" for Paper Cents...

Feel free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

October 14, 2022... 17.0 Hollywood Time...


Much spending power means you don't have to carry much

I doubt that I'll ever carry more than $1.25...

the monetary system in the last century has changed every thirty years, do you think we are close to another epochal change like that of 1971?

The Monetary System I was able to Fine Tune will be "Stable"... Inflation will be a thing of the Past... The Problem I see with China's Digital Yuan is that it will be convertible into Gold, that continues to Fluctuate in Value... My System (backed by Silver and Gold Coins) will have Stable Weights and Face Value Measurements... What I came up with will be Superior to anything we've been hearing about...

I did not know that the digital Yuan will be convertible into gold for me this is quite important news. As for the rest, I believe that inflation will rise in the coming period. As you say, we probably live in an obsolete financial system

I'm not sure if the average person can make the exchange... But I'm sure there must be ways...

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