It's getting cold outside...

in #silver2 years ago (edited)

It felt cold when I stepped outside this morning...

Makes me feel like jumping back in bed...

But before I do that, I'm having my morning coffee and typing a few words here...

I don't have anything new to add to my Monetary Vision, so I'll make this post short...

I feel like the time to prepare is running out fast...

I know I'm in good shape for whatever happens...

I'm starting to hear rumors that some big event "may happen" before the November Election, to prevent me from Voting...

The United States has a lot of Foreign and Domestic Enemies working against "We the People"...


I have my Gold and I have my Silver, but more important than that, I have my Common U.S. Coinage...

Common U.S. Coinage is the "overlooked" Hard Asset...

I figure it will do much better than Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies put together...

Naturally, I have extra food, water and fire wood. just in case the supply chain comes to a stop...

I even have an old fashioned coffee maker to perk my coffee over a small fire...

Coffee is one of my "must have" items...

I even have a little Fiat Cash outside of the Banking System...

I figure, I have all the bases covered, just in case...

Let me know what you've been doing to prepare for what "you see" coming...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

October 20, 2022... 7.0 Hollywood Time...


Silver Gold and Common U.S. Coinage. Hold and wait

I've been wondering if you have access to Common U.S. Coinage... I keep hearing that Silver and Gold are hard to find these day...

Lucky you! You had the head start long before we realized what’s cooking!
You are very well set up for the false flag!

Take care.

I've been at this for the past 17 years... That's when a person at work told me the Paper Dollars in my Wallet were not mine, but belonged to the Federal Reserve Bank... That was the original Seed that was Planted in my Brain... I figured out how to Correct our Silver and Gold Coins, so that they will be able to back our Physical and Electronic Currencies... I even know what the Final Melt Values need to be for Silver and Gold... I have good reason to believe that "We the People" have been preparing for the Collapse of the Fiat USD's... Few people have Silver or Gold, but there are plenty of people who have some Common U.S. Coinage... I tend to think our Common U.S. Coinage will continue to have Legal Tender Status, long after the Fiat USD's go to Zero... Anyway, that's where all my Fine Tuning of the Monetary Correction got me to where I'm at now... Other Countries can also use it as an example for themselves...

17 years!! That’s a long time; plenty of time to learn the secrets and find ways to protect yourself. I was only informed about the hideous agenda a few years ago. Most people here still haven’t got a clue. Sadly, they had been programmed by education systems, mass media and the government psychological operations! I couldn’t even talk to my family about this.

My reply to you was long enough for me to turn it into another post... I added a little more to it, but it will be my next post...

Okay. That’s very good news.

It's cold and quite here, I'll have a very hot coffee with milk and I'll wedge it with a piece of cheese

So, that's how you're preparing for what's coming... Coffee with Milk and a Piece of Cheese...??? You must live in a very nice area... It almost sounds like you don't have a care in the World...

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