About me and How I got started Stacking Silver

in #silver8 years ago

I remember when my father first began to invest his fiat currency in silver. We were your average working class family struggling to get by so as each week passed I began to think my father was crazy, as did the rest of my family. I was only a teenager so I could not comprehend the logic in his decision to do so. As the years went by, and I myself began working, I was never able to accumulate any wealth working minimum wage at the time. I would spend whatever I had left in my paycheck every week after paying for car insurance and everything else as well. I could never find a way to put away for the future especially as a teenager. We don't necessarily think ahead all the time, teenagers tend to live in the now. The older I got, the more concerned as to the path ahead of me in life. I was working two jobs at one point when I turned 21, but even then I spent my money on drinking, partying and things I could of just lived without. Slowly I began to realize how silly all of my actions were and consciously realized how fast life was passing by. Personally I think seeing is believing and this I will never forget. My father saved what he could for years and years, investing in silver coins and bars whenever he found a good deal. Sometime between 2011 and 2012, around when the US economy was at a low point, Silver along with other precious metals had skyrocketed to nearly $50 an ounce. I remember when my father first started investing it was at $13. His profit margin was incredible. He was able to take that silver, sell it for an enormous profit and pay CASH for his used plow truck and all his equipment to start his business. All accomplished with silver savings. To me that is incredible from someone in our financial class in America. We were a lower/hardworking class like most Americans, who work their hearts out for a better tomorrow. While other Americans throughout the country were actually going down on the financial scale, he flipped it into a positive wealth transfer. The more the value of the dollar crashed, the more precious metals skyrocketed. Moving on, I will never forget Christmas a few years back. Now I am not materialistic and I do not care about receiving but one year he gifted me two 10oz hand poured Silver Towne bars and I thought they were the coolest things I had ever owned up until that point. I felt like I was holding real wealth for the first time. Silver was around maybe $18 per ounce back then and till this day it has held its value. It its a finite source and there isn't an endless supply of it being reproduced constantly, unlike the paper fiat currency around the globe. Since then I have been passionate about investing in myself through precious metals. Two years ago I had my father take me to one of his coin and bullion shops where I invested my first thousand dollars. We went to lunch that afternoon and I felt like a boss. I felt like I was my own bank. Little by little each week I put away what I can and invest when I feel the time is right. Precious metals have allowed me to completely turn around my mindset financially and put away for the future, where as every other system for me failed. Whether it was holding onto my cash or putting it in the bank, no matter what I did I could not find a way to hold onto my wealth. Silver along with the knowledge I have been blessed with has allowed me to do so and I want to help you do the same.

Thank you for reading! This is one of the first sections I ever wrote on my website/silver stacker's blog. I have a lot more informational articles and personal experiences pertaining to precious metals on my site so please head over and check it out! I also am holding a silver giveaway for my subscribers on my website so get in on your chance to win while you still can! Check it out at - www.honestvalueneverfails.commyDJhuop_400x400.jpg

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