Nikolina's 10 Silly Questions - Just For Fun

in #sillyquestions5 years ago

First of all,( DON'T READ THIS PART IF YOU VALUE YOUR TIME )let me pretend I have readers here who are disappointed (or angry) because I haven't posted anything for long (as if people care, as if it makes any difference to anyone, as if I matter).

Well, the reason for my absence for almost one month is the same reason for my sarcasm. It is also the reason I talk less and write even less lately. I'm even noticing some changes in my personality (becoming an introvert, according to some personality tests). Ok, I'll stop annoying you with suspense, it's not your fault if my life sucks. The reason is that I'm having problems with my job lately. Too much stress, too much uncertainty and I don't even know if I'm scared of losing the job or looking forward to it, though I don't have the resolve to quit, at least not before I find a new one (which is so hard while I'm spending most of my time at work or on the road to and from work).

What am I saying?! let's skip to the fun (sorry @Nikolina for ruining such a nice challenge :( oh and I'm not sorry for "stealing" your design :p)

10 Silly Questions.png

1. If you could choose a new name for yourself, what name would you choose?

I think my parents chose well, I always thought my name was special, meaningful and it goes well with my brother's name lol. But if had to chose another one, I'd go for something more international, something like Josef.

2. What was the last thing you bought?

Other than food and drinks, it was a Rubic Cube and I learned to solve it fast, my record is 4 minutes so far.

3. If you could have dinner with 3 people from Steemit, who would you pick?

I'm gonna say: @Nikolina (not just because it's your challenge btw, you know that ;) ), @Saffisara (my twin) and @C0ff33a. But I wish I could name more people.

4. The last book you've read is...?

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (the 4th book of the 7 Harry Potter books, I've been finishing them with an alerting speed :p )

5. If you could choose any place for your next vacation, where would you go?

I just went to the south of Tunisia (where the desert is), again, and I'd go back, again and again. Can't get enough of it. But my next holiday will be in the Norwest according to my friends (that's where the mountains and cascades and lakes are).

6. Shuffle your current playlist. What 3 songs come up first?

My playlist is so random, I'll just name my favorite songs instead:
"Ya Hyetna": its an Ultra song made by the supporters of my favorite football team, but it's more about the country's current situation, so it's more politic than it is about football.
"Go Solo" by Tom Rosenthal
"This is the life" by Amy MacDonald

7. What is your Zodiac sign?

I don't believe in Zodiac signs. I even find the whole idea stupid. How can the day I was born define me? People can just get born a few days earlier by accident, that can't change the person completely. I'm more interested in personality types. That said, I was born on Januar 25th, so I'm supposed to be an Aquarius.

8. What language would you love to be able to speak fluently?

German. Because I have this determination to live and work there for at least a few years.

9. You're meeting with your friends for a drink. What do you order?

Coffee or tea, I always change.

10. Last person you talked to (in person)?

My niece.

10 Silly Questions (1).png

If you smiled at least once while you were reading this, oops, you have to join the challenge. If you didn't, you should thank me for being this boring and sparing you the trouble.

10 Silly Questions (1).png


1. If you could choose a new name for yourself, what name would you choose?

2. What was the last thing you bought?

3. If you could have dinner with 3 people from Steemit, who would you pick?

4. The last book you've read is...?

5. If you could choose any place for your next vacation, where would you go?

6. Shuffle your current playlist. What 3 songs come up first?

7. What is your Zodiac sign?

8. What language would you love to be able to speak fluently?

9. You're meeting with your friends for a drink. What do you order?

10. Last person you talked to (in person)?

10 Silly Questions (1).png
All credits go to @Nikolina, for the idea, the photo and the breakers.


Awww... This was a Great post my twin and never apolagize for how you feel 🤗 life is what it is and sometimes we just get overwhelmed by things. You are amazing and I hope you find a job that YOU want and that makes you happy.

I love that you jumped on this challange 😉 and Great answers... But that ending 🙈😂 Hahahaha... You crack me up.

If you smiled at least once while you were reading this, oops, you have to join the challenge. If you didn't, you should thank me for being this boring and sparing you the trouble.

You are NOT boring... Never... I wish you could se yourself as we do 😍 you would be amazed.
Stay Awsome and many hugs twin 🤗🌹🤗

hehehe thanks twin 🤗😍
knowing you liked the post, now I'm glad I posted it

First of all, I missed your posts.

Second, I hope your situation with the job will solve soon and I hope you'll find the one that won't be that stressful so we can have you back here on Steemit. :D

Third, when are we having that dinner? Hahaha

I gotta feeling we're gonna meet somewhere in Germany since I might go there as well for a while or at least to visit my aunt. :)

"This is the life" by Amy MacDonald

I love this song! There's one part of it that I cannot pronounce because it's too fast and it annoys me but I still love the song! :D

Thank you for joining this challenge, it reminded me of the times when we always used to nominate each other on every challenge there was on Steemit, lol.

And you're singing a song thinking this is the life, and you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size, where you're gonna go, where you're gonna go, where you're gonna sleep tonight ;p

We should have that dinner soon, that's a good plan to beat stress ;)

and your head feels twice the size

That's the one, haha!!

We should have that dinner soon, that's a good plan to beat stress ;)

Definitely! :D

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