Signs That You Are Causing Your Own Bad Luck
The best way to change your luck is to stop thinking that bad things happen to you. Instead, stop believing in the external forces responsible for your bad luck, such as malevolent people or supernatural forces. This way of thinking is known as external locus of control, and it leads to passive acceptance of life's circumstances. Instead, take a look at yourself and determine if you are truly to blame for your current bad luck.
Whether it is a business failure, a marriage failure, a job loss, or a divorce, the first step is to change your thoughts. The more you focus on your problems, the worse your luck will seem. This mindset will make you feel as if the world is against you. Ultimately, focusing on your positive aspects will help change your luck and bring you the success you've always wanted.
While superstitions may be a fun way to express yourself and relieve stress, they can also be symptoms of an underlying mental health problem. If your superstitions have become controlling, or even dangerous, you may need to seek help for your mental health. If you feel that you are causing your own bad luck, you need to seek counseling or therapy. Hotline numbers offer counseling and resources. You might also find yourself blaming others for bad luck.
Some superstitions are based on beliefs that a certain number represents bad luck. For example, breaking a mirror is said to bring bad luck for seven years. This superstition is based on the belief that mirrors hold bits of your soul. For that reason, it's wise to avoid breaking a mirror. Even if it is a piece of decorative furniture, it's not a good idea.
Another sign that you are creating bad luck is the way you react to events that occur around you. Some people believe that breaking a mirror brings bad luck, but they can reverse this by placing salt in it or spinning counter-clockwise. Other ways to reverse bad luck are to place a flower in a paper bag and throw it away. Then, contemplate your positive qualities. If you feel a bad spell coming your way, you may want to reverse the omen by looking at it as a sign that good things are going to happen.
Some signs that you are causing your own bad luck are: turning bread upside down after slicing it, saying the word 'Pig' while at sea, picking up dropped knives, letting a robin land in a window, and taking a breath to avoid the spirit. Changing your behavior is the key to turning your life around. You will never be happy again unless you take action to change the negative energy in your life.