RE: Are You Busy Manifesting Reality or Stuck in a Meaningless Loop Going No Where?
Absolutely there is such a thing as a 10x developer. Just take a look at Dan Larimer or Vitalek Buterin - these guys are probably 100x. It's about talent and an ability to mentally conceptualise (and solve/design) large complex systems. Work ethic certainly helps, but it's worthless if you don't have the talent.
I honestly don't know where I am between 1 and 2. At times things seem to move quite quickly for me and other times I am isolated and treading water. I have learnt to live with (and embrace) the volatility and uncertainty. I've spent a lot of time mentoring and managing others in my professional life and to be honest - I got sick of it. It was just a constant drain on my time and energy that was holding me back from following my own path.