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RE: There is no VIRUS making us SICK.
I wanted to thank you for teaching me about the importance of having protection for yourself. Before I met you, I was very opposed to guns and did not believe in having them. After learning from you, I now understand that they are so important because we need to be able to protect ourselves from the state. The USA citizens are the only ones who can stand up right now and take a stand. I heard Max, from the Crowhouse speak yesterday, and he stated that it would really make a change, if everyone in the USA implement their rights and took their guns and marched to the political houses and peaceful with guns, said, no we will not obey. Now WHAt! I thought that was a great idea. Have a peaceful day :)
Awww thank you so much @shakanin for your kind words and support!!! I really need it right now. I'm really glad I could inspire you to not hate guns and to be strong. And here it is I thought I wasn't getting through to anybody here on Steemit. It makes me feel good to know someone on here hears me. Amen to what Max from the Crowhouse said!!! I really wish I had a connection with some of the tribes here in the states. I want to learn more about your culture. I want to know I could be accepted on one of these reservations. Maybe even spend some time taking spiritual lessons of some sort from an Indian Chief. I'm so disgusted with all these lawless abiding shitizens in this country not stepping up it has made me a self-destructing nihilistic misanthropist for the most part. That's why in the end I signed up for the World Passport so I can say that I don't have a country anymore and am a refugee. FUCKEM! Now I claim the whole world as my country. So where are you going to deport me Mr. Trump? Like the Indians, my country too has been taken over by a lawless de-facto Neo Nazi corporation posing as government in my free country. If you have to run the risk of being a political prisoner in order to live free then YOU ARE NOT FREE!!!
You will be accepted by our People. It would be an honor that you wish to learn about our culture and teachings and you will be welcomed with open arms. I love your open-mind and kind-heart. I will sign up for the World Passport too. That is a wonderful idea. You inspire me so much and i'm so thankful for our connection. I wish you were closer because I would like to give you a big hug right now. All my Heart...xoxo
I wish I was closer too! I could use a big hug right now. The few of you I chat with on here are all so far away :-(. We can chat on discord anytime or even Zoom sometime if you wanted too.
As for the World Passport you can find out more here:
Just know tons of informed truthers out there speculate that this is the NWO because it is issued through the UN and blah blah, etc. However I get the idea that it is in fact the exact opposite. To me the World Passport is the world government we want and NOT the world government the NWO wants.
I think physical contact is very important for our health. A big hug from you would be the best, so healing. I would love to chat on discord or Zoom, and I will install this and learn about using it.
Thanks so much for sending the info on the World Passport, I really appreciate your help.
Have a relaxing and peaceful day @hippie-witha-gun. All my heart..