Paralysis from neck down, zero feeling in my body, and it can happen to you, listen please.
I can hit keys on my iPad . Paralysis and paralyzed is almost the same, but a person that’s paralyzed cannot move and has no way of helping themselves. On the other hand a person with paralysis can move with a walker after Months of getting their muscles to move. Without my walker I fall to the floor. But I can sit, I can talk, I have all senses except touch. I miss it so much. You don’t know until it’s gone. A person that is born with a certain problem can work with their disability, but when all of a sudden at age 46; something like this hits, you have no clue, or your sight, etc,. You cannot imagine what it’s like? But two things. One give up, or two enjoy whatever is left of life. I chose life. Working as a manager for a Engineering firm for 25 years making 6 figures, now on government assistance at $1100. Plus meds leaves nothing. Sold everthing, even my 2200 sq foot home. All gone now after 5 years and no help from friends or family. I. Helped them all so much when I was working, now their all gone and want nothing to do with me. Again two choices live angry or try to live happy. I chose happy. Doing these cryptos keeps me happy. I can write on Steem, I can watch cryptos on YouTube and wish I could buy more. Yes I met one great friend who helps me. God bless him.
Anyways I came here to you all for help, say it like it is. There is Steem which I love writing. Two I have 1 th/s on Genesis and anybody here buy more , please use my code. takes a lot out of me to do this. But I want to get more into this world of crypto. Only way like everything is money. It helps with better medications. Medications that numb my nerves that hurt like hell. Pain is always 9/10 everyday. Yes everyday. For 5 years. My psychology that’s free at my hospital says I am a strong willed individual. People will speculate and say this person is using this to gain. What do I gain from you? Using my code? I am not asking for money. Steem is jus steemit power, I can use to bring my knowledge to the world and help my kind of people. Really your choice. I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada, and if your a Doctor, look me up. My name is Mario Rego. And I was hurt when I was 46 and now I am 51. It don’t matter to me giving my name. Really. I tell you the truth today, on my life. You help me, I help the others like me. My goal. I believe I got this when I was in the Amazon and got a bite from a infected mosquito with Zico. What was I doing there? I am a pro photographer as well on 3 week vacation from work. I was a outdoors man. Snowboarded in winter, flyfishing in Spring and summer. Road mountain bikes, you name it I did it. Now imagine not doing this anymore. Please if there is others like me, contact me. Love to know you. But my neurologist says my disease is rare. Where do I start. Feel like the only one in the World with this. Lonely.