Sibel Edmonds offers a perfect example of how the Cult of Judah's 'Jew' World Order employs controlled opposition. First they build up a supposed 'whistleblower' in the alternative media viewer's imagination. Sibel was offered to us on the full spectrum propaganda machine platforms called Tell lie Vision, on Sixty Minutes, and Time Magazine, as 'the most gagged woman in history', and as a selfless crusader for transparency in government, and truthful reporting of facts. She was then given enough intel to carry out the old 'mirror and lead' Neuro Linguistic Programing trick. Build rapport with your potential victims, by 'being like them' and 'thinking like them' and 'acting like them'. Then once your have developed that rapport, that trust, you lead them astray.
You invest heavily to build up that greatest capital of all, human trust. It is very precious. And very powerful. You build up your 'war chest' of trust over years. Patiently. You sacrifice some less important 'intelligence data'. You have a plan. An aim. There is a 'rainy day' coming when you will 'spend' all that trust you have so carefully built up. Accumulated. Tended. Sowed. A time when you intend 'spending' that trust. A critical moment when you will instruct your controlled opposition presenters to lie. To misdirect. To misinform. At very least you will achieve confusion and bewilderment. At best you will lead the trusting sheep to their deaths. Like the shepherd whom the lambs have learned to trust, leading them to the slaughter house.
The whole point of controlled opposition is that you 'give up' quite a bit of truthful information, to gain your victim's trust. So you appear genuine. Authentic. A true defender of truth, justice, liberty, and all that good stuff.
Just like Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneaux, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Noam Chomsky,and the like.
I explained the importance of 'knowing' the facts about 'The Holocaust' and '911' as being the basis for 'calling' the 'tells' of 'controlled opposition'. The YouTube Channel carrying those messages was terminated, along with the Facebook Account, and my publishing accounts with Smashwords, Draft2Digital, and All 27 books of mine were banned by them. Most of which had nothing at all to say about 'Jews' or '911'. It was punitive. And proof that all these supposed 'businesses' really exist for Cult of Judah control of all information you have access to. To ensure that all future communications available from every source, in every format, is 'on message', and pure Cult of Judah, 'Jew' World Order propaganda.
All of the people I just cited are known for peddling the official fairytale of 'The Holocaust' and the nine eleven. Note the same company, the only one in the U.S capable of carrying out the nine eleven demolitions, would be your first reasonable suspect for the Oklahoma City Bombing. They were 'officially' paid for the 'clean-up', and removal of the 'evidence' after 911, and the Oklahoma city bombing. A child should be able to join the dots now. I detail all the evidence in my now banned books. Banned everywhere in this 'free' world. Visit my wordpress True Nat Noor (TROONATOOR) pages to download them at no cost to you. Please seed and share them. Print them. Make them available in other languages and formats. Refer to them in your vlogs and blogs and conversations. I promise you won't find more detailed and holistic information presented in a way anyone can comprehend, anywhere.
Now Sibel Edmonds is carrying out her REAL mission. As I always predicted, controlled opposition stars would wait until something very important was about to happen, to 'play their hand'. To 'reap' the harvest of all the goodwill, rapport, and trust they had built up over the years.
Controlled opposition not only reinforces the most important myths, like 'The Holocaust' and 'nine eleven was Islamic terrorists' and 'Oklahoma City bombing was constitutionalist patriot gun rights activists', but it is employed to mislead, misdirect, and misinform their loyal audience at critical moments.
Like just now, before the planned destruction of the legitimate, popular, government of Syria. As part of the now delayed '7 nations in 5 years' Neo Co(he)n plan for the 'Greater Israel' project, and 'Project for the Cult of Judah Occupied American Century', which 911 was carried out as 'The New Pearl Harbour' to get American public support for the Nuremberg Tribunal type war crimes the Occupied Jew S A had planned, and had since carried out, namely the destruction of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the war crimes now being committed against Syria. It appears Russia and Iran are merely World Wrestling Federation 'opponents' of the Cult of Judah's 'Jew' World Order. I explain the complex game plan, and how the Cult of Judah are capable of using the most unlikely people as 'golems' in their plan. They simply make everyone think they are serving whomever they wish to imagine they are serving, and promoting whatever idealistic or selfish ends they wish to imagine they are serving. There are people serving the Cult of Judah who think they are serving Islam, America, The Catholic Church, Christianity, Jesus, Marxism, Environmentalism, Justice, Truth, Equality. You name it, the golems serving the Cult of Judah beleive they are working towards it. However idealistic or selfish. However totally at odds with what the Cult of Judah's real plans. No matter how absurdly contradictory to the reality of what they are doing. Every 'secret' society is serving the same Cult masters. Like dumb beasts. Or naive children. Sometimes innocently. Sometimes as part of crime gangs serving nothing but the most base of human lusts and motivations. But whether a criminal serving their own ends, or the most idealistic and self-sacrificing of reformers, they are all, unwittingly for the most part, working towards the fulfilllment of the 3000 year old plan for the enslavement of this world to the Cult of Judah. 'Jew' and 'Gentile' alike. Both will be their victims. I explain all in detail in my banned books.
So bank to Sibel Edmonds in particular. She is now being 'activated' to misdirect and misinform about something critical. Something timely. Not just generally, as part of the propganda about the 'war on terror' which falsefly identifies Islam as the enemy, and prevents you realising it is your own occupied government which is the enemy. But something more specific.
The Cult of Judah Occupational Government, ZOG, of the Jew S A, is intent on finishing what it started in Syria. They are seeking to discredit all the authentic journalists like Eva Bartlett, so you won't listen to them any more. It is that simple.
Imagine the most foul mouthed Sibel Edmonds attacking other presenters for using bad language?
And Sibel Edmonds more or less inciting her listeners to 'use whatever methods they think necessary' to silence Eva Bartlett and others like her. That was as close to an incitement to terrorism, even murder, as I have ever heard from a 'respected', supposedly alternative media presenter.
The same Sibel Edmonds who claims to be leading a campaign for 'decency' in the alternative media?
James Corbett did a massively in depth and documented presentation of the hypocrisy of Sibel Edmonds.
Other presenters reminded me that the originnal 'whistleblowing' Sibel Edmonds is famous for was merely to reinforce the official fairlytale of '911'. She 'revealed' that the U.S goverment knew Osama Bin Laden was planning to carry out plane hijackings, and the rest of the official fairytale. One thing I can tell you, the Bin Laden family would be the first to know that you couldn't bring down the World Trade Centers that way. But anyway, I document all the facts about 911 in my banned books.
So basically Sibel Edmonds never left the F B I. Her 'whistleblowing' was just another way to reinforce the official fairytale about 911. She is the enemy of all Islamic people. The enemy of all of humanity. She works for the Cult of Judah. Point. It would be pure hypocrisy on her part t complain with someone quoted her, regarding taking 'any action they thought necessary' to stop her bringing war to Syria, and the Cult of Judah's 'Jew' World Order plans to fruition.
And while on the subject of Hypocrisy. Once more I call out to Brendan O'Connell to respond. He must wake up out of his own Cult of Judah (by way of the Catholic Church) indoctrination, and cease his hypocrisy. He is even now claiming Putin is a Christian of all things. The man who has carried on the traditions of the Cult of Judah 'Jew'.S.S.R, glorifying them as 'liberators' and 'Good Jews'. His mother was a 'Jew'. He was senior K G B. He is the dictator of the new 'Jew' S S R. He will do the 'Russians' the same damage his 'Jewish' predecessors did to Russia, and the former East Block nations. And the world.
Brendon O'Connell is one of those people who have great potential. And the only reason his YouTube presence is still available, after all those people like myself have been terminated, is that he is unwittingly serving the interests of the Cult of Judah. By disrespecting the National Socialists, David Icke, and others who have been engaged in this struggle long before O'Connell or myself 'woke up' to the situation, and have been applying themselves with disclipline and courage for decades. Not just ranting and raving when the mood took them. And criticising all the people he should be supporting. This is my last call to Brendon O'Connell to dialogue. So we can build some bridges. Mend some bridges. Unify. He still has a voice. Most of us have been silenced. Ask yourself why? The man convicted of hate crimes? Whose hate crime video is still online? While people like myself who never personally insulted any individual Jew, or libelled or slandered anyone on camera, have had their access denied?
We have to be very sophisticated in seeking to understand the clever tactics of our enemies.
Sibel Edmonds and NewsBud were always controlled opposition. They spent years misleading you about nine eleven. They devoted a decaded to building up your trust. So that now, when the moment came to 'spend' that 'capital', you would fall for their misdirection and misinformation.
They were always lieing about nine eleven. But they told you enough 'truth' to earn your trust. That trust is the capital their masters invested so heavily in attaining. Now they want to see some returns. Now they are playing their hand. Now they are redeeming their debts. Now they are spending that capital.
So expect Sibel Edmonds and NewsBud to start demonising Islam, Assad, Iran, and anyone in the alternative media who is actually trying to keep you informed about the reality on the ground. About the facts of the situation. And the meaning of the situation.
I cannot say if Eva Bartlett or even James Corbett are controlled opposition. But I can state with confidence that Sibel Edmonds and NewsBud are controlled opposition. Stop lisening to them. Listen to those they are seeking to silence. To get 'on message' with the Cult of Judah's full spectrum propaganda.
Email me markus rehbach at yahoo dot com.
Visit my wordpress true nat noor (TROONATNOOR) pages.
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Happy Next Lives