SHTF Tip# 8- Tactical Medicine Cabinet!!!

in #shtf7 years ago (edited)


Hello Ladies and Gents! I have come to you today to talk about a couple of vitamins and medicines that may be considered a one up in a TEOTWAWKI SHTF situation! Now, we all like to hope and pray that TEOTWAWKI won't make it's way to the table. But, in the event that she does find her way; we should all have medications of some sort; or the means of getting/creating an alternate form! So I will do the usual and list off just a few vitamins and meds to keep on standby. Here we go.

Item 1

One of the most important types of medications you may want to have are Antibiotics! Now, you might say; "but I need a prescription for those." This may not necessarily be the case! A website that I use very often has a form of antibiotics for "fish" and "birds." Now here's the deal on this! I'm not blowing anybody's spot, but I will attach the link so that you can see for yourself! In the description it says "Equal safety, potency to human antibiotics." I'll let you be the judge, but it sounds like if a "fish" needed a little antibiotic fix; this may be able to help them out! Notice I say "Fish." You'll see why if you click the link! There are more options on the site than the link I posted, so check around the site a bit! But anyways, Save your antibiotics! Bacterial infection could and very well may be the leading cause of death at the end!

Item 2

Caffeine is a big one! Nowadays the world has made caffeinated products out of almost anything! This could pose as a problem for those of us who like a little pick me up everyday! Whether it be coffee or some form of energy drink, it is still caffeine! The human body, given enough caffeine can become addicted and slowly build an immunity and dependency! This could pose to be a dangerous time if you are jonesin' for a fix! So something as simple as packets of instant coffee and a few $2 boxes of caffeine pills could be enough to at least ween you off of the stuff!

Item 3

To go along with the caffeine; a good vitamin to carry would be B12 or B6! These are both considered natural energy supplements! I know it isn't the same as that first cup of coffee in the morning as the sun comes up. But, energy is energy at this point! B6 and 12 help your body convert the FOOD you eat into glucose! This is what gives you the energy, so it would pay to have decent food stores as well!

Item 4

A good multivitamin may prove to be a must! Your body may not necessarily be getting all of the nutrients it needs; and you may not be able to provide these nutrients! So, we fix this issue by supplementing the intake! There are literally millions of multivitamins out there so find the one that best suits you and your age/body type!

Item 5

Another good bunch of supplements to have are: Omega 3,6,9, iron, calcium, potassium, amino acids, and the list goes on. But fish oil capsules are a big one! This is a great supplement for the heart! Medical equipment will most certainly not be an option, so let's prevent our hearts from needing it! Iron and calcium are good for the blood and bones! Healthy blood and bones means a healthy Apoco Survivor! This is more than a good thing!! Amino acids will help the body break down lactic acid to reduce muscle pains after a hard days work. Which I am positive there will be plenty of hard working days at TEOTWAWKI.

Item 6

Who could forget the ever so important disinfectant? Now there is more than just Isopropyl Alcohol on this list! You may want to add in a couple more items such as: Hydrogen Peroxide, Iodine, Bleach or Chlorine. These products may prove to be super valuable to your household! Bleach and chlorine are more for water, but why not have them just in case?

Item 7

Stock your medicine cabinet up with all sorts of creams and lotions with medicinal value. You may want to have things like: Antibiotic Cream/Ointment, Burn Cream, Benadryl or Cortizone, Aloe Vera gel, Medicated Lotion, Vaseline, Chap stick, Calamine Lotion and even Diaper Rash Cream! All of these things are assets for different reason! But they will all give you an upper hand in a SHTF environment!

Item 8

Things like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Tylenol and Excederin are very valuable to the team as well! They each serve as pain relievers, but focus on different areas! At the same time you take almost any of these to solve the occasional or constant headache! But Ibuprofen (Motrin) focuses on relieving pain while simultaneously healing inflammation. Aleve (Naproxen) helps with joint pains! Tylenol (Acetaminophen) helps reduce fevers and also relieve the occasional headache! Excederin also has acetaminophen as an active ingredient. It just contains a higher dose to focus on destroying a mean migraine or headache!

Item 9

Last but not least item for my list would be cold medicine. Whether it be in pill form or liquid it is good to have on standby! Cough and flu, mucus reduction, or sleep aids with cough suppressants! These are all good things to have. I'm sure most of us already do! But it would be a bad day if we died from the Flu! That is definitely for sure! There will not be good ol' Flu shots, but with proper hygiene and preventative measures we may beat or prevent it all together with a little help!

Now, as you all may know; these are just a few good things to have in the medicine storage! Most of these items are things that may be in our bathroom above the sink right now! But it is just good to think about how valuable this stuff could be in the future! Right now you may think of it as "eh." You won't be thinking that way in the end! Just keep in mind that everything has an expiration date so rotate your stock! Would I still use expired aspirin? You bet your butt I would. Lol. But the fresher the better! Thank you all for reading. I hope you found this information valuable and informative! Thank you everyone so much! :-)

TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It

GIF courtesy of @liberty-minded! Thank you!

@oilyshumblehome and @elew I'll keep tagging!: )

Badge credit goes to @daddykirbs. Thank you!

All pictures sourced by:

Semper Fidelis



Great suggestions. Aspirin is also good to have for possible heart attack or stroke too. Essential Oils (therapeutic grade like Young Living) are very health beneficial and most do not expire, so they are a perfect option for teotwawki. 😉

Yes! My wife stocks up on the oils like daily. Lol.

Good! They are wonderful!

Interesting list. Some I hadn't thought of. What about benadryl? or did i miss that?
I grow a bunch of herbs in my garden in hopes that I can use them as medicine if I need it but some of these are pretty necessary. I've also read probiotics can be used as a sort of antibiotic, even on the skin. Thinking of using a scoby as a bandaid sounds pretty gross though!

Benadryl is a good addition. There are just so many things to keep around that we have in the everyday household. And growing a herb garden is a good thing to do as well. You can in turn make the herbs into oils and preserve them for way longer. As for probiotics; they are like a preventative measure but good for the body. Helps fight off bacteria. All good points though. Thank you so much for the great additions. 😀

I keep vit C and zinc as well to ward off scurvy in case you are not eating well and I read somewhere that zinc ingested raises your defense against sunburn. Have to double check on that again now that I think about it lol
Happy day to you!

Yes vitamin C is a good one to have around! And zinc is a good one as well. But someday we may solely have to rely on finding it in a natural source as well. I just picked up this bad boy to add to the library!

It does not list out vitamins, but with this book and some research hand in hand; you could find what plants you need for your nutritional value. It also lists if there any poisonous look a likes and how to prepare the plant for eating. It's a keeper! :-)

I have this book! Great read!


If my grandfather was still around, he would make up his own version of benadryl for allergies and probably have a bottle of red stuff for the cuts. When I lived in Illinois, the local doctor had his own version. The stuff worked great, I just wish I remembered the name.

Anyway, before big pharma got involved, you probably had someone nearby that could mix up cures for your from sacks, bottles and cans of stored minerals and such.

That sure would be a handy craft to know! Mixing medicine could be a seriously valuable skill to have! I think I remember the red stuff though! It was like a bottle of miracle juice! Haha! As always, thanks for the great addition sir! :-)

I will put the disclaimer: my grandfather was a doctor, not just some regular Joe with a passion for chemistry.

I would also state, that those multi-vitamins and such will only last so long. Probably best to make sure that you have the suitable plant to replace those vitamins for the long-term plan.

Yea. It is unfortunate but true that the vitamins won't last forever but if you have them for a temporary fix, it would be beneficial to get you going. If only stuff lasted forever. Lol. It would make prepping so much cheaper!

I would add essential oils to this list. Oils are powerful and serve all kinds of needs. Don't go cheap though, get food grade essential oils.

Yes sir. Kind of slipped my mind. Even though my wife has a crap ton of them. Haha.

My wife does too lol, a crap ton.

Just a side note. I never really got into using the oils but with my dental problems lately my wife had me use clove oil and it WORKED. I'm really going to dive into this stuff and see what else I can use.

It's one obsession that in the long run I can be thankful for. Haha.

Under Item 8, I would also include Curcumin, which is a great pain reliever. And if you don't already have any background info, you might want to start researching the used of essential oils, as I've found the additional uses for them make the oils very beneficial to keep around the house.

Great addition. Thank you! Yea I wrote a post a couple weeks back about the uses of a still. One of them is to make essential oils. But my wife is super into essential oils! Lol. She uses them for everything. Thanks again! : )

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