My Entry To The Shadow Hunters Contest Round 177
Hi there!
I hope you're doing great.
This is the first time I join the Shadow Hunters Contest and I'm happy about it. I had been wanting to participate for several days but could not find a shadow that caught my attention until today when I was at my grandma's place. I liked this one because the shadow looks like a pattern on the leaves of this plant. The line-shaped shadows were produced by a small palm.
Esta es mi primera participación en un concurso de Cazadores de Sombras y estoy feliz por ello. Llevaba varios días queriendo participar pero no encontraba una sombra que me llamara la atención hasta hoy que estaba en casa de mi abuela. Esta me ha gustado porque la sombra parece un dibujo en las hojas de esta planta. Las sombras en forma de línea fueron producidas por una pequeña palmera.
When the sun's rays fell vertically on this palm tree these shadows were produced. I took this photo around 11:00 in the morning, so the sunlight was strong enough to create well-contrasted shadows.
When the sun's rays fell vertically on this palm tree these shadows were produced. I took this photo around 11:00 in the morning, so the sunlight was strong enough to create well-contrasted shadows.
Don't miss the chance to participate in this amazing initiative created by @melinda010100. Here's the link to the Shadow Hunters Contest Round 177
Thanks a million for stopping by.
Lots of love,