What If: Dreams Are Just Our Memories of Alternate Realities?


Parallel universes have been the subject of sci-fi movies and TV shows for a really long time now and every time a story line incorporates this concept, I think it makes it much more interesting.

The very nature of parallel universes opens up infinite possibilities and it certainly allows people to get creative with their plots. All this makes up for an enjoyable media experience for all of us.

Parallel universes are not only the subject of movies and shows but are also in the domain of science, though they are purely hypothetical at this point and might not even get proved, like, ever!

Still, they are absolutely intriguing to think about. The thought that there might be more universes out there, really boggles the mind because our own universe is already so huge, we cannot even comprehend it.

Parallel Universes


Scientifically speaking, there are many types of parallel universes. Three, if I am not mistaken. But for the sake of this post, I would like to talk about the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

This interpretation suggests that there are an infinite (or near infinite) number of universes out there and that there is a universe for every single event that could possibly have happened in history.

Let me explain it in simpler terms. Let’s say that I had two choices for lunch today. Either I could have eaten pizza or a burger. And let’s say I chose pizza. So, in this universe I chose pizza but there must be a universe out there where I chose burger instead.

That means that there are an infinite number of you out there who are either living totally different lives or quite similar, yet with minor differences. In one of these universes, you could be the president of a country a;nd in the other you could be a high school teacher and in another, a scientists perhaps!



Dreams are yet another area which we do not understand fully. Yes, in recent times many researchers have come up with many possible answers as to how we dream and why we dream and what our dreams could mean or what is the purpose of dreaming in the first place.

Yet, there are several things we still do not understand. For example what does a dream about a talking squirrel have to do with my real life? I actually had that dream a little while ago and it made me think.

Then there are things like lucid dreaming which is a growing practice where people claim they can take conscious control of their dreams and look for answers and stuff. I have never had one personally, so I can’t vouch for this one.

Still there is something mysterious about dreaming. People have gotten brilliant ideas in their dreams, some have had precognitive dreams where events actually came true and then there is sleep walking which is a form of REM sleep disorder. Anyways, dreams are weird!

What If?


So, on the one hand we have parallel universes containing an infinite number of ourselves and then on the other hand we have dreams which are absolutely nonsensical at times.

But if we combine the two, these things can make some sense. What if the dreams that we have are nothing but memories of our doppelgängers in these other infinite universes?

Maybe somehow all these different versions of ourselves are linked and the only way we can perceive some of their realities is through dreams where our subconscious mind is able to get access.

What do you guys think? Is such a thing even possible? Can this even be tested by science in any manner? I highly doubt it but I could be wrong too. Chime in, in the comments section down below.


Interesting theory.
I think that the dreams are to abstract to be the image of an alternate&different version of the universe. Most probably, if we would agree that your theory is true, the most closest universe to ours would preveal in the dream.

But what if the deja vu is a short vision of a potential paralel reality from the future?

Upvoted. -#Padre

Inherently though, aren't we biased to only think that which we know can exist? What do the colors we can't see with out physical eyes look like? Surely, there is a creature in a place somewhere having a wholly different experience to the point where if were to experience a day behind it's eyes, you would think it total fantasy. If everything is a possibility, there is a realm where I have one eye, two eyes, three eyes, four eyes, one where I am an eye, one where I hear through my eyes, so on and so forth.

Basically, not all realities would have to conform to our expectations of logic since we can't really fathom infinite possibilities.

Yeah, deja vu could be a short vision too. It sure looks like it when we experience it!

Its really trippy to think about but it does answer a lot of questions as to why our dreams are so bizzare

Yeah, some of them are just too bizarre!

Thank you for another very intresting post! 😊

Thank you for reading :)

I always dream of being a millionaire like my uncle!... He's dreaming too. :P spend half of my day in dream:).I work on poetry have alook hope you like😊

Me too!!! Thanks for this. Following you. I hope you have a WONDERFUL day @funnystuff!

haha In one of these other realities, you are definitely a millionaire! :D

I enjoyed that, great post, but taking this a step further, what if a dream is a connection to a reality where the person is already dead? Could that explain unexplained deaths of people who die in their sleep? I probably need a few beers, odd circumstances and the company of strange friends to get into this one.

This is a really deep to think about. You're right. You need some beers and friends to think about this one. :D

OoO fascinating... there must be other universes out there... where do our alien friends live? LOL

BTW... when I saw your thumbnail super small I though they were floating alien heads at a quick glance. hehehe

Yeah, there may be be other universes out there for sure. In one of them maybe, we work with aliens and they are just like our friends!! lol

Lol! And we are eating a hamburger with them! ❤

the idea of dreams being memories of alternate realities is a fun one that i'm gonna have to marinate on for a bit. i dig the concept of it for sure, but i very much doubt there's any scientific or physical way to prove it (yet).

either way...definitely one of the more interesting questions i've seen posted here. thanks for getting my gears turning this afternoon!

Yeah, right now I don't think there is anyway to prove it. In the future, hopefully we discover something. Thanks for reading :)

What do you guys think? Is such a thing even possible? Can this even be tested by science in any manner?

Yes, I think it will be possible for scientists to eventually understand exactly what a dream means. And by Scientists, I mean the Artificial Intelligence Beings that humans eventually create to cure all disease and understand the human genome.

On a lighter note, I absolutely think sometimes that my dreams are really alternate reality versions of myself, OR EVEN BETTER! when I dream something about the future that actually happens, I feel like a clairvoyant!

Of course when I think that I can tell the future, I completely neglect to consider the countless other times when I had dreams about crazy stuff that never happened in real life :)

haha totally agreed!! It happens with me too. Sometimes I dream of something and it happens in real life but there are a million other things that do not happen too!! Strange how that works out.

I've had this conversation before. I completely believe it's true. It's a topic I would actually like to see explored deeper! @trendhobo

Me too. May be smart people are already testing this.

That would be the best trip a human can experience .infact DMT can take you to the next dimension and that's pretty same

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