Sometimes you Can't Tell the Public the Truth, You must SHOW them! Are you watching the Show and remembering Faith is the evidence of things Hoped for?
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. . .
You Must SHOW Them
(Irregular Warfare at it's Finest?)
Only THEN will people find the Will to Change.
(No they are Not all there yet!)
Crimes Against Children Unite all Humanity!
[cross party lines]. (one would think, but we have Hope)
God lays the Code down so beautifully, so masterfully!
Hebrews 11:1
King James Version
11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
God WILL prevail one way or another!
(We have what we call Citizen Journalists, YOU all keep up the Great Work)
Remember the White Rabbit?
Remember Flynn's 2020 Tweet?
"If you commit to stay one More Month. . .You will render That Service to the Call of Liberty and to your country, which you probably can Never Do under Any Other Circumstances."
Remember Gen. Washington also encouraged his men to re-enlist in the army Dec. 31, 1776.
You understand the meaning? The fullness of these words?
(We have an Army of Digital Soldiers. You're here because you made a decision about Something in your life. You CAN'T sit back. . .You Have a Responsibility!)
Who gave us Liberty?
Galatians 5:1
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
Who is ready to throw off the Yoke of Bondage and bring it all down?
Who has Love for the people and who is clearly marked by showing their true character. . . a love of self and a blatant Agenda?
Agenda 21 anyone? Who follows it hook line and sinker?
1 Thessalonians 5:3
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
Do you see where we are on the timeline?
See comments of this Original Post.
Access by clicking on the time stamp underneath my name. You can see the order and what has already been Crossed off.
Where are we at?
What are you watching play out in Live Time.
BTW who out there has seen the Hulu series Castle Rock?
Do you remember when I told you the town of Castle Rock is in every single Stephen King book/movie?
Is it coincidence there was a show based on a Stephen King series called the Dead Zone in which back in July 13, 2001 (That Literally encodes 2021)
There was an Episode titled Plague.
Watch the episode or trailer. What was the Cure?
More on this in a follow up post on the Dead Zone for some clues.
Do you find it interesting. . .
From The Real Deal on Jan. 17, 2019
The company currently has about 60 employees and a little over $2 billion in assets, and it controls 10 million square feet of industrial and commercial space. Hackman Capital has been especially active in Culver City, where it has worked with Apple and Amazon Studios. After acquiring historic Culver Studios, which Amazon fully leased in 2017
(Is it a coincidence D.C. was originally 10 miles square?
Hackman struck the largest dollar-value deal of his career in December with the purchase of the 25-acre CBS Television City campus for $750 million. In this interview, which has been edited and condensed for clarity, Hackman chats about the CBS.
Exit stage left?
Enjoy the SHOW!
Playing Now on Screen 17⚓
A Must Watch
Sources and Connectors
American Revolution Round Table of Philadelphia
Dead Zone episodes see Plague Summary along with The Storm and Deja Voodoo with your own eyes here. As my dad always told me, "Get Your Own Eyes on it!" My dad's all smart like that😉🙂
From a previous post
Facebook Post with more comments and info found here,