The Forerunners - A Short Story of A College Piece

in #shortstory6 years ago


This is the first ever short story I have made way back in college. Actually it is a project in our Creative Writing Subject. Please pardoned my naive techniques. Shalom.

“Josh, Josh…” a sudden voice that woke my inner man. Voice which resounded like the roar of a waterfall that upon hearing cause me to trembled. Then, a cloud of smoke once envelop the place and the mysterious voice uttered again,

“In the tribe of Judah, I will raise believers that are destined in the beginning of times to be the forerunner of my word. They will come against the schemes of darkness and they will be my witness up until the ends of this world.”

I tried to turn around to see who he was, and there was what looked like a human being wearing a robe that reached to his feet and a gold bond around his chest. His hair was white as wool or as snow and his eyes blazed like fire. His feet shone like brass that has been refined and polished and that his face was bright as the midday sun. When I saw him, I fell down at his feet like a dead man. But he placed his right hand on me and said “Don’t be afraid. I have called you to a mission of giving light to the lost. You will gather my people and there will my name be glorified.”

Suddenly, I got back to my consciousness and discovered that it was all entirely a dream. Gasping and still catching my breath, I retrospect the happenings. and come to think that it was just more than a dream but realize nearly it was a vision. But whatever it was, it hardly gets out of my mind and it always keeps on knocking me out to find what was it all about.

9:00 am now and the sound of a strong horn by the bus driver can be heard outside signifying he’s going now to another district, and with me still not yet fully prepared, immediately chase him and fortunately still catches the tip of the window.

“Oh, josh here we go again? When will you be early so to end this drought pattern of yours?” said the bus driver. I smiled sarcastically so to keep my embarrassment towards him and to all other students in the bus. Then, immediately I went to my usual seat at the back with my best friend Zek. “Oh, Josh, how was last night’s party in the club, did you enjoy it? Was there anyone you found interesting? Oh don’t tell me none again.” Zek teasingly started my morning. “Shut up, Zek let’s not talk about it. Anyway, are you now already done to our homework in English?” “Homework in English? but that was still last week’s and up until now you haven’t yet passed. Wait is there something wrong with you Josh? You seem different today and it seems that you are not on your usual self.” he continued. “Zek” I responded. “There’s a strange thing that happened to me last night.” “What, is this in connection with your experience last night in the club? Oh don’t tell me…” “stop making suppositions Zek, this one’s really serious.” “ah, okay so what was it then?” Last night, I dreamt of something that I’ve never had the same in the past. The sight was erratic and considerably frightful. I heard a voice that seemed to be out of this world and seemed to unlock something upon the moment of hearing. Then, he told me that he has called believers from the tribe of Judah to be the forerunner of his word who will come against the schemes of darkness and that he called me to a … …” “beep…beep” a strong sound of the horn by the bus driver. “We’re now at Bront Ville” said the bus driver. Then a loud shout of joy and excitement filled the bus making us both impossible to hear each other. Momentarily, our conversation had stopped. When I got down to the stairs of the bus, I suddenly saw this man wearing a Professorial suit thoroughly staring at me from a distance with a hint of smile in his face affirming our encounter. To me, he seemed to be different and it’s like there’s something in him that drawing and had me a desire to know further of him. “Josh, were now at only 10 minutes more before we get late to our first class. So let’s get hurry.” Zek’s pumped up statement.

When we both got into our room, what immediately caught my attention was seeing Debbie on the other side reading again her favorite book with some other guys chasing around her. This view is not of surprise to me to the likes of Debbie being unquestionably intelligent and her simple own beauty that even my best friend Zek allegedly had a crush on her. Both are even entangled to some intellectual discussions that most of the times end up to a debate, for Zek on the other hand is also an intelligent one. On the other part of the room, was David who is the cousin of Debbie and is undoubtedly also a playboy in the campus for having a lot of girls hanging around her due to his basketball fame.

“Good Morning Class” a sudden voice outside. “Today” she continued, “is the clubbing day. You will choose to either of the clubs presented for you to be a member of as a need requirement for your final exam. You will only have to choose one club and should be an active member of it. Reminder, no class for the whole day but you will have to attend to the respective meetings on your club. So, what are you waiting for, go now to the bulletin board outside and sign up for your desired clubs.”

“Josh what club do you plan to join to?” Zek inquired, “Just whatever you want” I answered. “Cool, then this would be an exciting one. Now let’s go to the bulletin board and sign for our self.” When we reached to the area where the bulletin is situated, the students had now already ceased the place so we were now free to sign up. When we looked at the available clubs, we noticed that it is now already filled up except to this one club. To our surprise it is only Debbie and David who are all alone for that club. And us Zek, without now any choice, sign up to the same club as them.

“Zek, what about now, you will be in the same club with Debbie. I think this will be a good sight for you both.” teasing Zek. “Well, yeah, I’m looking forward to that.” Zek shortly replied.

When we arrived to Room 239 a compartment that is situated to most corner part beside the library, we found there David and Debbie talking with each other. And when they saw us, Debbie uttered, “Oh Josh you’re here , so we will be on the same club?” “Yes” I answered. “I as well Debbie isn’t it a good idea” Zek gate crashingly said. “Yeah it is” Debbie replied. “Wow, that was a heartwarming welcome coming from you Debbie, thank you so much” Zek sarcastically asserted. “Whatever, Zek” she counters. “Anyway, is it only going to be us joining this club?” David questioned. “What do you think, it’s now already 1:30 and no other students yet coming in and yet the club calls exactly 1:30 for the meeting, so I think there’s no more coming in.” Zek confidently replied.

After the series of queries, David and Debbie went to their place again and continued their talk. While and I and Zek are on the other side of the room settling, “Oh Josh, I just remembered what was it again that you said this morning? Was it about your dream?” Zek called out. But when Zek called about the dream, I suddenly feel something in me that was unusual. My temperature abruptly rises as I feel the heat coming out from both my neck and body that cause me to inevitably shake. Then I heard, voices that were so loud that almost crushes my humanity. Consequently, I started shouting ragingly and so covered my ears from hearing so much of those terrible voices and then I fell. Zek, Debbie and David surprised at my situation, immediately went towards me to find what was going on. With I on the floor and the three of them at my sides, there came a great earthquake that shook the place cause the entire room to collapse.

I together with Zek, Debbie and David then found ourselves laid by some of the remnants, immediately got up and are very surprised that we all haven’t got much of serious injuries upon the destruction of the catastrophe. “Debbie are you okay? Josh, David? Zek concernly inquired. “We’re all okay” said David while assisting Josh getting up and Debbie helping on the other side. “How about you?” David asked. “I’m okay too.” Zek responded while coming towards us. “That earthquake was really strong, and I’m afraid of its total destruction but surprisingly not terribly injured as the expected.” Debbie stated. The surroundings can be hardly seen due to the falling debris that brought dim to the place. Then there was this sudden paved of the way to the center accompanied with so much light that the four of us could hardly give a glance. There was a thick smoke of cloud setting in and gradually filling the entire room. After a while, the extreme light and smoke finally cease the place and there is this man emerging from the place came out in white and a magnificient wings beautifully extended in his back. To our surprised, we panicked a little bit but overwhelmed in awe of what has just seen.

“I am Archie an angel sent by the Almighty. Time has already decreed that this must happen. The four of you are chosen from the tribe of Judah to become the forerunners. You will be the light to the lost and the hope to the hopeless. You will come against the schemes of darkness as prophecied in the past and shall know your identity of what you ar4e capable of. “Josh, the Almighty has spoken to you in a dream of what must happen. He gave you the unbelievable power of strength that in time you will use against your enemies. Debbie, the power of healing is in your hands. David the power to control things through your sight is what of you and Zek the speed of lightning is given to you. The time is coming when all this things shall happen. Outbreak of wickedness shall possess the land and struggle of two forces is at hand.”

Zek, after hearing the entire things suddenly started to hyperventilate and hardly catch his breath. But when Debbie laid her hands to Zek unconsciously due to her concern towards him, there came out a light that illuminated at her hands and there immediately healing Zek who started to get back his normal breathing.

“Don’t be surprised to this sight Josh, Debbie, David and Zek. You are all called for this. This is your mission.” Then he laid his hands on us and prayed. “The Almighty will be with you up until the end of times who is faithful, gracious and loving forever.”

Since then, we’ve never been the same again. Everyday there was constant revelation and understanding from God through reading his word and there we also know what God has really given to us Human beings to rule over other creations. He has given us authority, wisdom, and knowledge through our relationship to him that make us victorious in every way.

Unexpectedly, we develop a relationship with other especially Debbie and David being the upper ones and eventually break the barriers between us. Everyday we had our constant fellowship that drawn a number of people to get to know more about God.

Not long afterward, there was this massive explosion of riots, kidnappings, murders and even bombings that rock the entire Bront Ville. Students were getting perverse and immoral on the otherhand and is now closely resembling to Sodom and Gomorrah. “This one is not good. We have to do something about this!” Debbie alarmingly exclaimed. “Indeed before this one gets worse.” David supported. “Yes, guys I do understand but we have to be very careful about it so to keep anyone from danger. Moreover, there will be lots that will get affected if we do not plan it correctly.” I pacified. “ Guys, have you noticed the eyes of those people in doing those undesirable things. It seems that they are all under a spell.” Zek supposed. “Yeah I have also noticed that as some are seen in the television. All of them seem to be not on their right mind and are just under control of some spiritual ruler.” David affirmed. “What about we follow one of them and find out how did they have that.” Debbie suggested. “ Okay, tonight we will make a careful investigation of all this and scout them.” I declared.

When we reached to our meeting place that night, we saw our schoolmate named Ohio who just came out from the prison for raping an innocent woman, wandering that night going to a huge isolated building. Upon seeing this, we immediately followed him until we arrived the place. When we got here, there were number of guarding the main entrance obviously with still something on there eyes that seem to be under a spell. Obviously, we could not just go in immediately and we still have to find ways on how to get there without being noticed. Afterward, David came up with a brilliant idea. Him having the ability to control things using his mind, dump the cans to a group of dogs that consequently made noise that caught their attention. Then upon hearing it, they immediately went after it leaving the entrance completely unguarded. Then Zek who had a speed as lightning lead us to the main entrance. When reached there, we were surprised that not even one was present adding that the place was so dark except for the few candles that light up the room. “Where are they? I thought this is there assembly.” Zek said. “Yes indeed.” A response from a terrible appearance of a voice asking his army to come out from the darkness. “You are caught in a trap and there is no way for the four of you now to get out. Good bye forerunners.” The Evil One believed. “That’s what you thought. the Lord Almighty is with us and He is just too much for you.” I defended. “Well, then let’s see. Army, attack and destroy them!” he commanded. Then enemies from all sides started to attack us. Zek using his speed created a whirlwind by speedily running around them carried them away. On the otherhand, David using his control power lifted the heavy loads nearby and dump it over the enemies causing them no avail while Debbie on the other side healing some the people who were under the power of spell. And then I faced the Evil one saying, “In the name of the Living God, I command you to go back from where you are and rebuke your power over Bront Ville.” To his surprise he was shaken by the authority of my voice lead by the Lordand then there was this great light that descended to the place accompanied with thick cloud of smoke that fill the place. And there came out a man wearing a robe that reached to his feet and a gold bond around his chest. His hair was white as wool or as snow and his eyes blazed like fire. His feet shone like brass that has been refined and polished and that his face was bright as the midday sun and gave a breath that destroy the enemy.

“I am the beginning and the end. The Alpha and Omega. The Living One. The Great I am. Then after that night peace, unity and love for God arise in the hearts of many people in Bront Ville and them knowing who they are through His word.


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